MovieChat Forums > Lovely Molly (2012) Discussion > A note on some of the bad reviews..

A note on some of the bad reviews..

I was just reading some of the bad reviews and it seemed to me that a lot of the people who didn't like this film weren't even paying attention. One review even mentions that Molly's "friend" was straight out of Jerry Springer. This is hilarious as the "friend" the reviewer is speaking of is obviously Molly's sister. Which is quite a huge part of the plot. It is funny and sad at the same time that someone could watch the whole film and not understand that this woman was her sister and then to even go as far as to write up a bad review of the film. Wtf?? lol

The great unspoken telepathy of man...


I knew and understood that and I still thought this movie was horrible. I loved Blair Witch, I even sorta liked his movie with the alien... :(


Yeah, different strokes I guess. I loved this movie but I absolutely hated The Blair Witch. Saw it when it came out in the theater even. Hated it then and still hate it now. Just goes to show you how different people can be. But writing a bad review about a movie you obviously didn't even pay attention to enough to know the relationship between the two main characters is pretty ridiculous.

To be honest though, I don't think I would have liked this movie really if it wasn't for Gretchen Lodge. Her performance pretty much made this movie for me.

The great unspoken telepathy of man...


Gonna have to agree. I love horror films of all kinds... gory, creepy, frenetic, slow-burn, you name it. This is easily one of the worst films I've ever seen. Thorough waste of time. But I'm glad others got something out of it.
