a friend saw them filming around Hagerstown. Heard the house was really haunted and someone freaked out and walked off the set or something.
Anyone hear anything else? I'm super excited to see what these guys pull off ten years after Blair Witch.



I don't know but I'm seing it at the Toronto International Film Festival in a few days! I hope it's good...

My "Movies you've never heard of" list:


Just saw the screening in Hagerstown tonight. In the Q&A afterward they mentioned that a psychic had said there was a spirit in the attic who was unhappy with them filming there because they didn't ask permission. During the attic scene, people apparently felt an oppressive feeling, lights went out, and it took a long time to film (despite the relative simplicity of the scene, technically).

Was a spirit making their lives difficult? Or was it just a stuffy old attic with funky wiring? My guess it was just a lack of ventilation ;) There was no mention at the Q&A of anyone walking off the set.


Hey leavesofautumn, yeah the screening was cool and Ed did talk a little about some of the creepy stuff. I can tell you I went in the attic once and that was more than enough for me.



Hey. I worked on the movie and we were all pretty spooked by the old house. Where did you hear about it being haunted and someone walking off the set? No one was talking outside of the cast and crew about what was going on there.


hey remember that ad campaign for blair witch that tried to make everybody believe it was real? i dont know why i just thought of that right now.


LOL, great minds think alike :D


omg what a big ole plant post !!! lol ghosts dont exist, their is no afterlife or trapped plain otherwise we would all know about it other than when cheap horror films need word of mouth...u dont hear people saying 'did u hear that that latest romantic comedy was filmed in a haunted icecream parlor!', and lets not forget someone has died violently on nearly every foot of soil on this planet, not just spooky looking barns, attics, castles people!!! lol


That would be your opinion, based on your belief system. And why would we know about a 'trapped plain'? If spirits are trapped there, they certainly aren't here to tell YOU about it.

Uhm....the past is the past, let it stay there.


While I too don't believe in the afterlife and ghosts, I've never heard worse arguments for it than those you presented.


This is all a load of @#$* in an attempt to sell the film. Sanchez has sunk really low this time....
