horrible noise

I can't remember the name of the low tone noise that they put around shops to stop delinquents hanging around outside them, mosquito or something, but that horrible noise is present for most of this movie and it sucked anyway and it made it suck more balls than a Kardashian.

*Oh look, a troll* Get beck under your fecking bridge, you wee gob5hite.


I could only hear it once or twice because i'm not all that young any more. But it was very noticable especially at one point where it was very annoying.


ive not finished watching it yet, but the noise you are talking about was very deliberate i dont understand the reasoning yet but the noise would come and go only when they were in the bedroom with 2 single beds. once you notice its quiet obvious. now ive got to finish it to see if there is something important about that room.


Hahaha! Love your reference to the Kardashians!
