Little girl question

Does anyone have any ideas about the little girl? Why was Molly watching her? Why did Molly kill her? I kept thinking that the little girl was her daughter fathered by her own father. That maybe she was put up for adoption or something. Then I thought that since the husband was having an affair with the little girl's mother that maybe he was the father. Maybe it was just the demon or whatever. Maybe she saw herself in the girl. I don't know. It was an interesting movie to say the least.



^This. I don't think she felt a connection with the girl at all.


My theory is that her dad had taken over her soul and killed the girl. It can't be because the mother was messing with her husband. she was stalking the mother and daughter with her camera for a long time before that happened. When she's walking around with the camera she's humming a tune similar to the tune her dad hums when she hears him. It seems she's been taken over by him during those scenes.


Maybe the dad's ghost, or another demon, was in fact possessing her at those times.

But just because we don't see the cheating husband on her tapes until late in the movie, doesn't mean that she didn't know it was going on for awhile. I find it very unbelievable that Molly was obsessing over the woman, and then she just happened to start cheating with Molly's husband.

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"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley
