MovieChat Forums > Lovely Molly (2012) Discussion > Just Watched On Netflix

Just Watched On Netflix

Just watched this last night on Netflix mostly due to the fact it was filmed in my area and it was fun to see recognizable things!

I thought the actress playing Molly did an excellent job. I thought the story line had a lot of potential....but it just went into too many directions and didn't solve anything - which is doable in some movies, but this one had too many loose ends.

The movie seems up to the individual - she was possessed or she was going crazy - it seems up to whatever you want to believe.


The horse sign in the secret room was real, and a part of the cult that worshiped it. The demon was real and not in her head. Remember when it raped here in the hallway on video. Her body was being held by something. Creepy movie, anyway.


Actually, the video isn't proof of an external force. She could perfectly well have acted like she was having sex.
Now, had she been LIFTED from the ground, thereby defying physics, we could have assumed something supernatural. But she wasn't. If that were the case, her boss would've reacted completely differently.


Exactly my thoughts. I watched the "rape" scene a few times. It's done in a way that's perfectly on the border line of psychotic/crazy behavior and supernatural/demonic.
At the end when it looks like she is being pushed onto the wall, it comes very close to being supernatural but you can see her knees locked against the wall; extremely uncomfortable but if you are mad and in the thrones of a fit you can do worse than that.

And yes if she was lifted in the air it would have been decided the direction of the movie but I suppose this is why this movie is becoming more popular: the controversy.
