MovieChat Forums > Lovely Molly (2012) Discussion > possible beastiality implications? SPOIL...

possible beastiality implications? SPOILERS

Ok so I might be totally off-base here...but after I watched the film last night I was almost positive that we were to infer that Molly's father was not only raping her, but also involving horses in the sexual abuse somehow. Not only is she stalked and raped by a horse or man/horse, but she is constantly looking back at pictures of horses and stirring up buried sexual trauma. Also, in one of the faux-documentaries on the special features the narrator refers to the especially "bizarre nature" of the sexual abuse. Looking around the web however, I can't find any other mention of this theory. Am I just being a sicko and looking to far into it? What do you guys think?



you are not crazy.. I got an Equis vibe too. I didn't see the extra features though..


haha glad you picked up on it too. I'm just surprised no one else has mentioned it. as for the bonus features, they're actually really lame. I just mentioned it because it backs up my theory.


Just watched the movie myself, and I also had thoughts similar to yours. There's definitely some reason why the horse and her father as so closely linked to whatever the heck was wrong with Molly. This movie left me with a lot of questions, but I liked it for being different and pretty gripping.

Movies I've seen in 2012:


I think it's as simple as her being her dad's favorite. She was the one riding the horses. He was the trainer. She was the one he was raping. I don't think it had anything with horses other than a connection she made in her own mind. My guess is that the trouble started during there time together training.

"The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind" - Lovecraft


I just assumed it like division said. Maybe he was abusing her while around the horses or in that room with all the horse pictures and she associates those evil acts with horses. And now he's some half demon/horse being she she covered his face with the horse head because that's how, as a demon, he looks maybe?

Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son...


I just watched this and I totally agree there was some sort of horse thing going on.

Even before we saw her looking at the horse training photos, she seemed to really react when she went out to the barn (and obviously the green chair was a part of it too), and also when she went down into the hole(?) and we see the horse carving on the stone wall (and it would've been nice if they would've explained that part a bit better, I think).

But the clincher for me was the sound design. We hear the huffing of a horse intertwined with a man's breathing.

I think it all happened in the barn (with the horses nearby or her looking at them while it happened, OR her dad made her do things to the horse) and the girls' bedroom (the two places Molly seems to disassociate the most).

Then there is the weirdness of her and the dead deer. Close to maybe the feel of a horse's hide?

And the way she killed the men...a screwdriver to the back of the head - That seems like a way her dad might kill an animal on the farm. A "humane" way? But maybe in front of Molly, which would be very traumatic. Maybe he even did it to torture her psychologically? Or to keep her quiet?

Oh, and the biting she did. It reminded me of a horse bite. Their teeth are similar to a human's mouth. Maybe she was bitten by a horse? Or maybe her dad bit her and "played horse"? Either way, she was recreating her trauma in some way with the biting.

And Molly putting horse faces over her dad's face...I think she either was so traumatized that her father raped her that she made her rapist into something else (denial), OR combined the horse with her father into one being because her father DID involve the horse in her abuse. The monster creature in the woods makes a good argument for either of these points too.

Bottom line for me is that the acting was great, and the story was disturbing. I really like the movie, even though I still feel sickened about it right now.


You certainly picked up on quite a few things!

I didn't see much that pointed to anything sexual to do with horse, would definitely have to stretch the imagination. But I wouldn't rule it out either. I think she just put them together because they may have been mostly alone when horse riding and that's when he did things to her. Then she in turn hated anything to do with horses.

"Most people on the boards are casting experts. It's why they all work in Hollywood right?"


I could believe that it had something to do with horses but am I missing something here? Everyone's saying that it's all in her head but at the very end her sister walks through the house and sees the pictures and then sees/hears the same thing in the closet before it shuts off? It can't be just in her head. Does it mean that all that happened to her sister too? Horstiality haha.

Either way the movie was pretty disturbing. I liked it though.

I wonder if theyll read this & say that awkward moment when I wasted my life readin a signature. :\


I took it more as a symbolic thing. Fathers/parental figures are supposed to be nurturing, caring, and protective. her father was sexually abusive and *beep* up. her expectation of her parent as a child and the abuse he actually inflicted on her in reality was dissonant, he also probably acted 'normal' in front of others to cover up signs of him raping his own daughter etc, so in her head whenever he raped her he became "possessed" and "animal".

I also sort of interpreted it as, there actually is some demonic presence around the house area that might have "taken over" her father's body and is now haunting her or something. her sister killed their father but it didn't kill the demon or whatever and now it's looking for a new body to possess. her father might have worshiped the demon and allowed it to possess him maybe? idk the movie really left that open to interpretation.
