im so confused?!!

how did people come to the conclusion it was a demon? i mean i totally agree with that now but while i was watching the movie i genuinely just though it was a her fathers ghost? do i need to watch the special features? cause that kinda defeats the object of watching a movie and understanding it without having to view the special features ya know? hope this makes sense x


Yea I feel the same. Also I don't understand the reaching of her and her sisters arm towards the closet.



There's people that get on here, and start spit balling theories around. The Demon thing came into play, because of the symbols that were drawn in under the porch. They were occult symbols, and people must have looked them up, and figured out what they meant. That's the first thing. Secondly, they figured the father was a vessel, for the same thing that was tormenting Molly.
I could get onboard with that theory, more than it being her,father's ghost, mostly because of the end. Molly walked out to A Demon looking creature on the outside, and it was similar looking to the horse faces that Molly pasted over her father's head. That lead people to believe that Molly, and her Father, were both being driven by the same force.
I'm cynical though. I don't think there was anything supernatural about this film. I think Molly's Dad had mental health issues, and he passed them down to Molly, along with the PTSD/addiction from the incest incident. I just think the household triggered her old memories, and she just completely broke..


I'm cynical though. I don't think there was anything supernatural about this film. I think Molly's Dad had mental health issues, and he passed them down to Molly, along with the PTSD/addiction from the incest incident. I just think the household triggered her old memories, and she just completely broke..

But then how do you explain the demon in the backyard? That was caught on film by the regular camera (not the handheld Molly was using), which should being showing us the film's version of reality.

I also was ready to believe this was a story about a woman falling deeper and deeper into violent psychosis, but then I saw the demon, which I take to be a sign that she really was possessed, or at least being harassed, by a spirit conjured up by her evil father.
