Hated It.

This movie tried to do too much. Drugs, Demons, Beastiality, Molestation, Adultery, Found Footage, Gore. This was just poorly done. And I guess I'm in the minority, but none of the actors were good. And to top it off, they didn't even really explain anything.


All i saw was the child abuse. Though it is the only thing you don't see in the movie.

Don't know really where you found the found footage. Just because there's cam shot scenes it doesn't automatically mean lost footage. No demons either... Couple of screwdrivers doesn't really qualify as gore... Adultery? Sweet jesus!!
And drugs are just a side effect, not the source of the issue I would say.

All in all, in my opinion, a really interesting take on the matter. Not a usual horror/Gore/...(or however you would want to pin it)movie. Definitely worth a watch.


-Demon=banged in a hall in a shopping by an invisible entity, the voices, the rattling of the door, the stupid racoon looking thing at the end
-Found Footage=To me the very beginning and her talkin to the cam about how she will prove "he was alive" to every body
-Adultery=the husband getting head from the neighbor, and the her banging the priest (how did you miss this?)
-Beastiality=the movie didn't really explain the horse imagery, but why have it in there in reference to the child abuse?
-Gore=the screwdrivers,the dead dear in the basement insulation scene, the biting of the husband's lip.

Like I said, they tried to do too much. They could have easily told a compelling child abuse+ drug story. Or just a basic horror movie. But they tried to tie too much crap together and the end prove it, they basically just had her kill people to end the movie which was a lame copout. "Let's just have her go crazy and kill people." The time they spent adding all the different genre layers could have been spent on developing the story of the father/daughter relationships or the adultery with the neighbor.


-Demon=banged in a hall in a shopping by an invisible entity, the voices, the rattling of the door, the stupid racoon looking thing at the end

Lol this made me laugh too hard. Turn up the brightness/contrast on your TV man. There was no raccoon thing. The demon at the end was huge, for one, and for two, it was an amalgamation of horse and wolf and human.

-Beastiality=the movie didn't really explain the horse imagery, but why have it in there in reference to the child abuse?

The horse is archetypal imagery when it comes to demons. When the demon was stalking Molly in her house at night, you could clearly hear it clopping around the house on horse hooves. The pictures of her father being replaced by horse heads were supposed to point at the fact that Molly believes her father is now a demon.

"You left your kids in the car?!"
"Hello, I cracked the windows."



It looks nothing like a raccoon. It looks more like an oversized horse or deer skull.

"You left your kids in the car?!"
"Hello, I cracked the windows."


I think it was her dad with a deer head on top. That's what it looked like to me at least.


You have to admit, it was a stupid looking creature no matter if it's a raccoon or a moose-wolf.


hated it


Agree to disagree.

What did you want them to do less?

They did more than the usual horror flick does and that's deliver an entertaining thrill ride that keeps you interested. It might of been too much for you but it's just enough for most of us.

Wasn't really anything else they could of done to further develop the father/daughter relationship and the affair with the neighbor. Was pretty obvious watching the film that the father was abusive to the daughters and her husband was cheating with the neighbor, we saw him getting oral sex near the end. Not much more I need from those story lines.

Would rather have someone going crazy dealing with a demon than more of that.


Not necessarily a demon at all actually. Just the after effects of being molested as a child. It could be, or it could simply be how she sees her father. As a "demon" and no longer just a man after what he did to her. No beastiality either...not sure how you're getting that with the horse imagery...

Really not sure why adultery is such a big thing.

"The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind" - Lovecraft


You do realize her husband wasn't really with the neighbor, right? I mean he was at the fn hospital with his lips chewed off.


Whatever you want to call it, I call movies or segments shot with a home movie camera "found footage" for lack of a better term. It doesn't matter if it's actually found after the operators are dead, the effect is the same and I hate both equally. Do people actually live with a camera in their hand like Molly did? It was pathetic!

Haxan Films has changed movies forever possibly and definitely for the worse. It was okay during Blair Witch when it was a novelty, but 50% of horror movies are using the found footage format now and it's lazy and must be cheaper, because the performances in front of those cameras aren't generally above "B" movie quality.

Political Correctness Is The Enemy Of Reason...🇺🇸


I though it was dull boring and stupid. Couldnt wait for it to end


You're right, they opened a lot of doors and didn't close many. That's what makes this movie so much fun to dissect!

Revenge is a dish that best goes stale.


Ya I didn't quite get why she killed her husband, let alone the way she did it, like putting down an animal or something, it was very clinical.

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I don't why she chose that method but her father was killed with a screwdriver as well.


This movie had me on the edge of my seat but I am a little confused about the neighbours little girl, Molly was secretly filming her during the film, Why ?
Was Molly possessed by her dead father ?
Towards the end of the movie we see the corpse of the little girl who is found in the woods, did Molly kill the girl and why ?
Interesting movie, very different to the usual run of the mill horror movies



First things first, I've posted this about the extra features about five times so forgive me if it sounds like I'm repeating myself.

The dvd of the this movie had extra features which contains about six chapters the give info about Molly's past, her father, the horse symbol, and other tid bits.

Molly was watching her neighbours and as you could see, her husband was involved with her. It appears that this was a one time occurrence but I noticed Molly. said something while laying in bed with her husband. She told him he needed to stop. To me it sounded like she already had insight to his infidelity.

Molly was possessed by the same spirit that possessed her father and apparently it was giving Molly a head's up to things going on that were unbeknownst to her. She was stalking the neighbours and when Molly saw confirmation of their infidelity, she killed and buried the lady's daughter. Maybe I'm looking too deep into it but earlier, Molly zoomed the camera to the little girls eyes. I think the little girl may have been his daughter. Even if she isn't Tim's daughter, Molly killed her to get back at the neighbor. The only thing is, Tim and Molly moved into the house a few months ago and unless he had been with her before, the possibility of the little girl being his love child might not be true.

**Nothing is impossible, the word itself says "I'm possible"!**


I thought it was the lady's son that was found dead. It looked too small to be the little girl and I swear the lady kept screaming "Let me see him!" I'll have to watch it again.

"Cinema is everything to me. I live and breathe films -- I even eat them!"
- Lucio Fulci


I thought the child was a boy, too. LOL I love this film, the more I think about it. There's so much to dissect and discuss and argue over. And isn't that what makes a film great?


I will never understand how IMDB users watch movies but don't watch movies.

Explain to me how her husband could actually be involved with the neighbor when

a) She chewed his lips off and he was at the hospital.

b) See a

His lips were fine in the view of him with the neighbor **and** he even drove by with messed up lips to as wtf was up.


Horror films are usually better when everything isn't explained, and Lovely Molly is an effective horror film because it understands that simple principle. It isn't a great film, but its positives outweigh the negatives.

"Fear comes from uncertainty" - William Congreve




I hated it too.

It was one of the most silly movies that I have ever seen.

Everyone involved in the making of this movie should be embarrassed. I feel embarrassed for just watching it.
