MovieChat Forums > Lovely Molly (2012) Discussion > Complete mess. Quit trying to make sense...

Complete mess. Quit trying to make sense of it.

Why is everyone trying to make sense of this movie and give out theories? There is no coherent storyline here. It is nothing but a series of random events and cliche symbolism that add up to nothing in the end. The director tried far too hard to make a silly movie deep. He didn't leave us in the dark to be mysterious. He left us in the dark because the silly storyline would be exposed if we were shown or explained anything regarding this horse-demon crap. Instead, he tricks the over-thinkers into pondering the meaning of a meaningless mess of a movie. I have no idea how the hell this guy put out this garbage movie but is also responsible for one of the best and most revolutionary horror movies of all time, Blair Witch.


While I agree what you said about this movie, however if you think Blair Witch is "one of the best and most revolutionary horror movies of all time" then I'm sorry to say you haven't seen enough.



I've seen them all and Blair Witch is one of the best. Right up there on my list with Halloween and Suspiria. It is more effective than Last Broadcast, the original found footage film, even though it may have..generously borrowed..from it. And yes, popularizing the found footage brand of horror is absolutely revolutionary. Very similar to Halloween giving birth to 80s slashers.


Seems like someone hasn't watched Cannibal Holocaust yet.



CH was the first but it didn't start any movement with its found footage idea, mainly because no one ever saw the damn thing. With all of the banning and controversy which, by the way, was self inflicted to some degree (animal torture) never had an audience. Only us horror creeps went digging for it. I downloaded it off NAPSTER when I was like 13 lol and to this day you have a pretty tough time finding it other than on the internet. Therefore, Blair Witch started the cam revolution.


The guys who made Blair Witch ripped it off from someone else, and got themselves more or less blacklisted in Hollywood for refusing to give credit to the guy (their professor) who actually gave them the idea. This is the lesson they teach in film school, to ALWAYS give credit.

So if you're wondering why those losers couldn't make anything else good afterward (if you actually consider Blair Witch good instead of the fluke hit idea it was) then there you go.


Man Bites Dog was fairly popular....Blair Witch I've always found a little over rated. Only seen it once mind, so will revisit. It just seemed to be a cracking exercise in mainstream cinema marketing (disguised as being marketed independantly) which clearly added to its popularity.

Really liked LOVELY MOLLY. And thought it made sense, despite the scares being a little diluted in the last 1/2 hour due to the narrative (and lead character) becoming more fractured.

"Gran'pa was always tha best...."


"...Last Broadcast, the original found footage film, even though it may have..generously borrowed..from it."

Not true.

Also, FYI, Cannibal Holocaust got a DVD release several years back. I even saw it at a Borders store (before they closed).


I am the one who knocks.


I agree.


I've seen them all and Blair Witch is one of the best.

I wish I felt the same. I have tried to watch that so many times.


Not at all. There is a clear theme throughout the entire film.

"The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind" - Lovecraft


I agree with you, completely. Sanchez, unfortunately, appears to be a one-hit wonder.


While i will admit i had to watch this movie twice AND the 4-part mini docu in the dvd special features to fully absorb what was going on, the movie makes complete and total sense, you just have to be patient and understand what your watching.

First of all, this is a supernatural thriller, so suspend some belief or dont watch it. None of the events are random, not one. Woman moves into a home with a history of demonic energy/possession, it made her otherwise normal father be sexually abusive towards her. The same demonic "force" we'll call it, caused the spirit of her father to haunt her and make her lose her already weakened and fragile mind (due to her childhood truama and history of heroin abuse)causing it to eventually snap as she was being taken over by the same demon that possessed her father.

Also, stop reading into the whole "horse" thing so deeply, the horse was simply the symbol of the demon that possessed her father (as shown in the special features) hense the horse pictures on the walls, the hoof clapping noises in the house, ect ect. Just as you see a goat representing demonic icons sometimes.

The source of the supernatural "force" was in the basement, thats why she dragged her husband down there to kill him, also why she dragged the body of the dead deer she found down there.

As for the affair between Tim and the neighbor, theres no way of telling how long it was going on, but it was NOT in her mind, she had it on video and tims reaction to seeing the video on the camcorder was proof of this. Theres a scene, easily missed if your not paying attention, where she mumbles something like "he knows what your doing, youd better stop it" refering to her fathers spirit knowing about the affair Tim is having, thats why she kills the neighbors daughter and tim after finding out about the affair. She spys on the neighbor because her father told her Tim was cheating on her.

The ending? Made just as much sense as the ending of the BWP. The image of her father, in some sort of demonic-horse form, takes her, possessing her completely at this point. We dont know exactly where or how, again, supernatural thiller, suspend some belief, but it isnt any more far-fetched than the ending of the BWP, where we have no real idea what happened to Heather when she dropped the camera or who did it. I believe Sanchez showed the actual demon in this movie to not have to deal with the people who were pissed off for "never seeing the witch" in the BWP. Both were cryptic endings, both ask the viewer to suspend belief, both leave you to belive that a demonic force ultimately wins over the victim.

Lastly, there are two valid theories about the father. One is he was possesed innocently by the demonic force and that made him go insane, the other is he himself was worshipping the demon willingly and made him an abusive father. Both theories fit the plot.

Again just my two cents as a fan of the movie, but again, after watching this movie once, i was confused, pissed off, and angry. Watch it again after watching the special features, it made me a fan after being able to fully understand it.


I saw it as a recovering drug addict returns to the house in which she was sexually abused at and ended up relapsing, since every corner she turned opened up old wounds that never fully healed. She pictured her abuser (in this case being her father) as being some demonic figure with a horses head (maybe because they owned horses, or frequently went horseback riding) and at the brink of insanity replaced his face with a horses head in all the pictures she had with him.

She more than likely already had suspicions of her husband being unfaithful, which caused her to stalk both the woman he was having an affair with and her child. After being fully "possessed" by her fathers demon, she kills the young girl out of pure insanity, since she reminds her of the youth she once had. She murders the weak minded Priest (who would also be known as "Father"), out of her own sexual rage towards another man who was supposed to be there to help and protect her and of course murders her husband soon after due to his infidelity, resulting in her being "fully possessed" by the demon.

At the very end, her sister gets possessed by her own demon since she knew about the abuse and didn't do anything about it, as well as completely ignoring all the early warning sings of her relapse and convincing the husband to put a hold on getting Molly the help she so desperately needed.

I understand from posts on here that the making of goes in deeper about there being rituals and such, but since there's no real signs on that in the finished movie, it seems like a rather unnecessary plot detail to explain outside the movie and really should have been left up to the viewer to decide what happened. So I'm going to ignore all of that and go with what I feel is best.

Because sponges never have bad days.


i liked the movie. your take on it is the way i saw it (i think), though you explained it better than i could have. to me, the idea that it was purely psychological and the demon idea was was just a metaphor makes the whole plot that little bit deeper than an actual supernatural explanation......thanks.


Of course it was supernatural.

So the sister at the end just happened to open the same closet door and extend her hand in the exact same way?


How can anyone sit through this so called "movie" once without falling asleep is beyond any human comprehension... but to find someone who actually saw it twice... and enjoyed it! Well, now I've completely lost faith in the human race!


I didn't realize so many people hated this movie.
I was entertained and interested during the whole thing (I just watched it). Although ok I do admit I paused it a few times on my laptop to do stuff on the internet. cough.

But I really liked the story, or actually I liked the demon. I thought he was pretty creepy and I appreciated the fact that they let us hear him and see him in the end. I thought the design was pretty neat. Because these days it seems like they never want to show the demon...I guess because they want to keep it realistic. But i thought the director did a good job of making the demon in this movie realistic. I know its a typical demon design but it looked really great to me. I could imagine him popping up at my back door. huur..although no rape thanks.

The girl who played Molly was really good. She's really pretty and likable so I was invested in her character. But I wish there was more to the story. I wonder what would happen after you embrace/accept the demon? I also wanted someone to believe or discover the supernatural stuff happening to Molly and her family. I really like it when that happens in horror movies it gets me all pumped up and tingly for some weird reason. haha what.


I didn't really hate it but I was confused watching it. Of course that could be because I was completely bored while watching it, so started doing other things. I'll probably give it another chance but it's hard to keep my attention when I start getting bored. I'm the first to admit that I'm not really into symbolism in my movies but that does not mean that I won't give it one more shot.


You've lost faith in the human race because someone liked a movie you didn't like? What a total retard...

CG gore is the worst thing that has ever happened to the horror genre.


why in the hell should anyone need to watch the special features in order to understand a film? i mean, seriously. show, don't tell. if you can't get your story across without the special features/commentary/mini-docs then it's not a well told story IMO.

regardless, on first viewing it was pretty *beep* obvious that this movie is about a girl who was sexually abused by her father as a kid; who may or may not be getting sexually abused again by his ghost. ambiguous in that she's mentally ill and possibly using more than we see, but yeah. that part is clear as crystal.

but the 'demonic force' which may or may not have possessed the dad or now is trying to possess molly...whatever. unnecessary, stupid and over-complicated, especially since it makes no sense on screen.

i also thought it was a sort of distasteful movie. a film whose major plotline is that of a girl who gets raped (again, and repeatedly) by her dad after he's dead is kind of nasty, JMO.

"It's better not to know so much about what things mean." David Lynch


Funny how you weren't able to understand a pretty straightforward story, but you have all of this insight into what the director's intentions were. What kind of mysterious gift is this where you can read a director's mind without being able to watch movies?


Exactly what it is: A chick with previous drug addictions who is now clean marries a guy. She starts getting sad and lonely in the house, and after smoking pot, she relapses and starts doing meth/heroin again. She starts hallucinating and going *beep* crazy.

That is exactly what the movie is about. It was good. If you want a bad movie, go watch twilight.


I totally agree, besides your analysis of Blair Witch. THAT was NO The Exorcist.


I agree with the OP, a decent attempt to make this film "deep" can't hide the fact the plot is sheet thin! Its GARBAGE and I already have it up on the trading block on this DVD Swap site I frequent..thank goodness I didn't actually PAY for this (obtained it from the same swap site).

Someone mentioned the 4-part, I don't know what it is about these Haxan Productions, but the DOCUMENTARIES are the BEST thing about these "these movies" I mean Lovely Molly and Blair Witch, love the docs, the "history" and backstories supplied....for those who haven't seen it, it goes over the history of the house from way back in the 1700s and the man that built on "cursed" indian property....its VERY good! 10x better then the s--t movie! I recall Blair Witch having an equally good doc that originally aired on SyFy that sold me on watching that POS on opening night!

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!


This film has a good backstory? WHY OH WHY do films like these tell the story...on a behind-the-scenes format? Why not tell it IN THE FILM?!
This movie wastes so much time doing nothing, when it could be filling in information like the cursed grounds or other story backgrounds.

It had great potential, but fell flat. I loved "The Blair Witch Project", its in my Top 5 Films Ever.
But partly why I liked it so much was there was no question whether it was evil or crazy people. "Lovely Molly" confused the heck out of me.
Was it in her head or not?

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."
