
This just proves half of all people on here are clueless. Is there a more underrated horror film of the past few years?


Yea, I thought it deserves better, too. The acting by the woman who plays Molly was stunning. She does everything from upbeat cheerfulness to total agony and despair very convincingly.


Yeah seriously. This was a great movie. Don't quite get the ending exactly and the horses etc.. but I think this is better than most horror movies including Blair Witch.

EDIT: Ok, after reading the horses thread here it makes more sense. Plus I forgot about the double headed horse symbol in the beginning. Still not sure what was up with that one room and why the house was empty but still a great movie nonetheless.

The great unspoken telepathy of man...


Yeah seriously. This was a great movie. Don't quite get the ending exactly and the horses etc.. but I think this is better than most horror movies including Blair Witch.

EDIT: Ok, after reading the horses thread here it makes more sense. Plus I forgot about the double headed horse symbol in the beginning. Still not sure what was up with that one room and why the house was empty but still a great movie nonetheless.

Glad you enjoyed and appreciated it, too! Welcome to the unfortunately small "club." I believe it will get more respect in the future.
Admittedly, it had some confusing aspects, but to me this only increased the mood of dread and sense of disorientation, which made it easier to identify with Molly. I agree with you that the horse issue ultimately makes sense, though it is confusing at first. As for the empty house at the end, at fist I just assumed that Hannah was having it sold, so all the stuff was cleared out. But then why was the family photo album right in the center of the empty floor?


Well, I gave it a 5, but I've watched it three timess this week so that 5 doesn't mean I disliked it. I thought it was really a unique horror film but there were just a few things I wish they'd gone into a bit more. So to me the 5 didn't mean. It was bad; that's half perfect! Glass half full kind of deal I guess.

I really appreciated the more realistic way Sanchez chose to use the cam footage. That totally worked. She gave her reason for using the cam and so it eliminated the issue of "Why are they still filming with all this going on??"


WOW, you watch a movie 3 times yet give it a low score of 5? I wouldn't be able to sit through a movie one time that I rank such a low score to. I wonder how many times you sit through movies that you actually give decent scores to?
