MovieChat Forums > Snowpiercer (2014) Discussion > I know that babies taste best

I know that babies taste best

I liked this movie a lot, but Chris Evan delivers the single worst line and performance in any scene this year. Maybe ever.

The rest of his performance was ok.


LoL. That line was great. Made me chuckle.
Wait... it was supposed to be funny, right?!


The cracked me up, thank you.



Chris Evan delivers the single worst line and performance in any scene this year
His performance was mediocre. I wondered how babies could taste best as they have hardly any muscle.
A bird sings and the mountain's silence deepens.


I assume, disgustingly, it's along the idea of veal. (Veal calves are kept from moving and fed milk---it's not a great life, according to many people) There IS muscle there, and it would be tender since it has never been worked (toughened) because of age.

It's gross to think about, but that doesn't lessen the terrible reading he gave that line.


It's to die for. I feel like sucking down a newborn cow right this moment... to Wendys!


to Wendys!

I just cannot stop laughing now.


I just cannot stop laughing now.

I just cannot stop laughing cow.


I just cannot stop laughing cow.

I have no idea what this means. 5:30am... phvk me. I must have been blackout drunk.


Why would something muscular taste good?
Babies definitely taste best, ask Mr. Swift. They're fresher and that baby-fat ensures optimum flavor.

We've met before, haven't we?


Let me guess tastes like chicken ?


I guess his line sort of verified what Jonathan Swift said all those years ago in his little modest proposal. But seriously, I thought it was delivered well. Especially when he described how Gillium sacrificed himself. Now the bit about Edgar could have been left out. Made it some unknown baby or something But kept the bit about him having the knife.


I disagree, I dont think there is a normal way to say that line, words I doubt anyone has ever spoken in honesty. I think his performance showed that awkwardness. I think those that laughed did so because it so bizarre to hear, so ridiculous that its literally laughable. People have had to confront that, seen it, lived it. For me, reading history I did not find it funny at all but I understand the laughing I think.


I see what you are saying, but it was something about how he delivered it. I would have liked to hear the other ways he may have tried it---with a soft harsh disgusted whisper; with a little hatred in his voice; with a crying sickness in his voice...anything but that way!


I had the exact same reaction. I am very sensitive to words, acting, tone etc...

I agree it's an amazing line, cruel, real, shameful but it was really really poorly delivered. It so powerful and it has to be so believable that I don't care if 56 takes aren't to do it. You do it until it sounds real, because if it doesn't work... just let it go. it's hard but its true.

Writing that monologue, that piece must be pretty great but even with my total investment in the movie that sounded out of balance and unreal.

Anyway, a lot great themes and representations in the movie.


 It worked for me. I thought he did good.

"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."


Wow. Really well said.

I don't even necessarily agree with you about the line delivery, but the way you articulated the process -- well said.


Evans even knew the line was bad given his half - azzed way of saying it.
