Glitches by the number...

...bugs by the score.
Everyday I play it less, each day it crashes more.
Yes, it's got glitches by the number.
It's a game I cannot win.
Oh, these bugs I've stopped counting. I'll never get to the end!


Such as?

I've had no trouble beating it. I'm on my second play through.

Straight Edge For Life



'Such as' the more than one thousand bugs reported on the Fallout Wiki.

'Such as' the the bugs mentioned in every single review of the game ever published.

'Such as' the bugs that led to a patch immediately after the game was released.

'Such as' the bugs experienced by the game developers AS THEY WERE DEBUTING THE GAME LIVE.

'Such as' the bugs that have earned Bethesda Softworks quite a number of complaints to the Better Business Bureau.

It's quite possibly the buggiest game ever made, and the vast amount of glitches, bugs and crashes are common knowledge. If you don't know about the glitches you've either been lucky, not paying attention, or you're lying through your teeth.


How do you play it? PC, PS3 or Xbox 360?

I play on the latter. And I've honestly had no problems with the game. Unless the glitches are so miniscule that it didn't make any difference to me at all, the game is perfect for me.

Straight Edge For Life


The bugs are not a real problem if you make multiple saves, played through it twice on 360.

A Naked American Man Stole My Balloons!


i played it on xbox and it crashed and glitched pretty regularly. My xbox had trouble with the game in general because with a few alterations it is unusable (such as setting the clock to the correct time, installing certain games, etc.).

even with a half-working xbox i was able to finish the game so no excuses from any of you. I'm better than you i guess if u use excuses.


Im sure your tune has changed by now.. I've played this on PS3 and PC. While its less glitchy on PC I've still had to reload numerous saves because of lost dialogue and/or un-received items (I had to actually snitch on Contreras because he wouldnt give me The(this?) Machine.


I agree it has some bugs but it being a game that has over 100 hours of gameplay, thousands of characters walking around doing there own thing, items and bodies staying in where ever you left them, and so much dialog and extensive dlc and missions...the bugs don't bother me a bit, they worked pretty hard on making this game and I doubt they can find testers that can sit through all those hours of gameplay lol.

I wish my lawn was emo so it can cut itself.


Everyday I play it less, each day it crashes more.

Check the fan on your video board. If New Vegas is crashing regularly and with increasing frequency, odds are that the fan is starting to go. And if you put on an aftermarket fan make sure it has good heat sinks for the voltage regulators.


LoL I love it!


I'm a few years late to the game, but this is hilarious, PhxDwn! It's also unfortunately so true, it hurts, lol.

And I love that there were a few people claiming they didn't encounter bugs or implying that the bugs weren't a huge issue... they need a serious reality check. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are notoriously, undeniably glitchy games.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


I disabled auto-saving, never quick-save, and only manually save to a new save-game file every time (never overwrite a previous file), and I have had very few crashes. The instant I deviated from any of the above, I started getting crashes right away, plus assorted glitches such as SLP, H2O, or FOD never going up in hardcore mode, or friends suddenly becoming hostile for no reason.
