Its not natural!

Im sorry, But When I see pictures of "him" on the cover of the tabloids And hes shirtless and all,the only thing i think of is Im looking at a woman. A woman who got her breasts cut out, a woman who has taken alot of male hormones. A woman. Its not natural. Im sorry, but I do not support this. Sometimes I feel like I would be more comfortable in a female body, but god gave me this male one for a reason. Im not gonna go get my balls cut off.



Did you know that there are "homosexual", androgynous and sex-changing animal species and organisms? That's right. Research it on the net, hon. It is part of nature. It IS natural.

Nobody cares if you don't "support" these people. It's THEIR body and they have the right to do with them whatever they want just like you have the right to do with yours as you please. It's their planet too, you know.

And you confuse me by writing that "Sometimes I feel like I would be more comfortable in a female body". What's that about? I think you should explore that. And no, you don't have to go get your balls cut off while you do that.
Please keep them. And don't donate your brain to science.


It's natural in nature when it happens naturally. You don't see sex-changing animals having other animals mutilate them to become a different gender. There have been very rare cases of this happening in humans and when it did, the people usually just rolled with it and didn't fight it.

Imagine this scenario, if you will. I am Caucasian, blonde, and pretty much look like a person of Czech, German, Scottish, and a touch of Cherokee descent would look. What if, however, I felt that I had been born the wrong race? What if I said I felt like I really should be Asian, specifically Korean. I identify with the culture, I speak the language, I eat the food, I FEEL Korean. But I don't look Korean. The way I look is a mistake. Should I be able to go to a doctor and request whatever plastic surgery and meds to make me look more Asian? That should be my right because it's my body, wouldn't you agree? Okay, so now let's say I wanted my race as well as my name officially changed on all official documents. You think they would go for that?

I mean, really, what's the difference?


NATURE is CHAOS, belaglik.


The ocean floor trembles and the sea rolls back & pushes forward like time does, without stopping for anyone, leveling whatever and whomever happens to be in its path.
THIS is "natural". This is "nature". It just IS.
I'm not saying it's right or wrong or that it has any purpose or meaning. Nature can be beautiful and it can be horrible, just like this mystery that we call the human condition. There is NO "difference" between any of us, we are all made of flesh & bone & at the end we all sleep alone whether you are caucasian and blonde or I'm a sub-Saharan pygmy, or you are Suzanne Sommers and I'm Donald Trump. And we cannot physically, emotionally & spiritually inhabit two bodies at the same time. That is why I (ultimately have to?) respect whatever anyone wants to do with their body & their life. I cannot define the mystery that is nature so I can justify telling someone that they have no right to do with their being what they want to do. We all come from different places. What seems "natural" to you might seem the opposite for somebody in another culture.
Have you seen those nature shows with scenes such as the little newborn bird throwing its newborn brother out the nest to their deaths because it wants to survive? It's horrible. It tweaks the "morally wrong" button in us. Yet, that's natural. That's the way it is. Would you give that offending bird a rain check because "It's natural in nature when it happens naturally" but you wouldn't give it to a person that feels oppressed by hypocritical societal mores every day of their lives because they feel they should be the other sex?

"There have been very rare cases of this happening in humans and when it did, the people usually just rolled with it and didn't fight it."

I'm a bit perplexed by that statement, not sure that I understand what you're referring to.


I read a story about about it years ago and there is a possibility that this particular incident may have been an urban legend. There was a family in Haiti where several of the children were born girls or appeared to be girls and became boys when they hit puberty. They stayed boys and grew up to be men. Then again we are talking about Haiti here where the limited resources probably did not give them much choice. The researchers, I can't remember if they were psychologists or cultural anthropologists or what said they were fine with it, though.


I'm the kind of person that doesn't believe in any kind of surgery unless it's really medically necessary. Then again, "medically necessary" can be pretty subjective. Is knee replacement surgery "medically necessary"? I mean, I didn't judge Brian Williams when he had his knee surgery. I guess if Chaz finds having boobs just as debilitating, who am I to argue? I also wonder what kinds of natural therapies, if any, Chaz tried to help him be more comfortable with his female body. Is there some sort of herbal testosterone supplement, for example? Getting rid of soy in your diet can help since it contains phytoestrogens.

But Chaz is an adult and he has the right to make choices what to do with his body. What really scares the hell out of me is the idea of giving kids puberty blockers! From what I've read, the long-term effects on children are unknown. I know Chaz views hormone treatment as being the same as insulin for a diabetic, but it's not the same. Insulin therapy has been around for years and, yes, back in the day someone had to be a guinea pig, but people were dying anyway. It was either try this new thing or die. I know it must be hell to be a transgender kid, but it's not necessarily a death sentence. But hormone therapy very well could be or it could cause other medical conditions later in life. We just don't know. I guess I am just very skeptical of the medical community as a whole and of Big Pharma in particular. To them, these kids are nothing but a cash cow, or cash bull if that's what they want to be.


You only get one life to live on this planet. If you don;t like what nature did and you have the ability to change it, then I say "F^CK YOU, nature". Natural is dying. But we all try to stop that from happening. Natural is cancer eating away at your flesh and organs. Natural is a dog chewing the face off a three-year old girl. Natural is conjoined twins.

If you can tell nature to go f^ck itself I say go for it.

"De gustibus non disputandum est"
