not that bad

not that bad not that great, but pretty interesting.
i did like this movie. yes its kinda slow paced at times. lots of talking the zombies if you can call them that. while mindless and not alot of them
but this movie is more about the human interaction. there were some hit and misses with the acting.
some of the leads were very good in there roles. that diabetic was pretty cute.
i think this is one of the only zombies movies next to warm bodies ive seen so far this year with a happy ending. which is kinda rare. cause most zombie films have a gloomy end. which i dont mind, but in this you kinda grow to like some of the people. like i said decent film not that bad. my only huge complaint was about the cgi of the massive helicopters was that really necessary, but other than that def something to check out


Yeah its not bad but nothing great.


Good movie; the problem, I think, is that there are so many others like it (28 days later, Resident Evil, Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Living Dead, I am Legend) that this movie gets lost in the shuffle.

Release this same movie in 1990, and it becomes a classic.
