Copied Music

Is it just me, or is the soothing instrumental/choral theme that plays during the lighter portions of the show clearly a ripoff of Danny Elfman's score for Edward Scissorhands? Specifically the 'Ice Dance' theme.

Now, I know it's definitely different, but with the bells and the vocals and melody and everything it's just wayyyyy too similar to be a coincidence. I'm not upset about it, haha, just wonder if anyone else noticed this. I can't even watch this show without thinking of Edward Scissorhands, which is one of my favorite movies. Is this just me???


It reminded me of that music, too!

I pronounce you man and wife. Proceed with the execution.


Some of the piano selections are also similar to Donnie Darko's score. I believe it is called The Artifact and Living.


I always thought the end score for this show sounds a lot like the end score for Dexter, right before the screen goes black and the credits roll.


oh my gosh!! I thought the same sounds just like Edward Scissor Hands..the Ice Dance Part...too funny!


Agreed. I've found that the entire span of Discovery networks rip off major themes, and in some cases, actually sample copyrighted music. For example, quite a few of Discovery Channel's shows and documentaries sample a variety of tracks from the Silent Hill game series/Akira Yamaoka's work. I guess whomever they hired to score the segments figures it's obscure enough that no one would notice. But no one really knows where to report these incidences, so... It is what it is.
