MovieChat Forums > Bernie (2012) Discussion > Not a Bad Movie but Not Brilliant

Not a Bad Movie but Not Brilliant

Many here overstate the quality of this film. In actuality the film is just a dressed up documentary. I do think Jack Black and Shirley Maclaine played their parts very well. The one display of brilliance that did take place from this film was the point where Bernie was leaving in the car after getting berated by Marjorie. Marjorie then closes the gate before he was able to complete his departure. In the background was the funeral director discussing how Bernie had become Majorie's property and how he must have felt smothered. That was a very poetic scene where you could share the feeling of being trapped as Bernie would have felt.

Overall, the only "noir" aspect of this movie is how a devote town could provide support to a cold blooded murderer just because he was charitable to the community, and charitable at the expense of someone else's fortune.

Also, I feel a real sense of perversion from a director who somehow managed to get this man out of prison and provide him housing. Was it a condition of doing the film or did he fall for the same generious nature from a man that use's this quality to veil the real evil psychopath that is Bernie?
