I don't get it

So Dr. Kelly's alleged plan was to upload a virus that would knock out the Cylons whenever it was activated. I get that that was just a cover. What I don't get was what her ACTUAL plan was, and who all was involved with it. We know that at least the commander of Galactica was in on it, which suggests that a lot of people were. But what was the point? She went there to upload the details of the ghost fleet, right? Something about using that as a peace offering? That doesn't make any kind of sense. You don't offer your people up for slaughter in the name of peace. And even if that was the plan, it kinda wouldn't have worked because Nash said that he moved the fleet out of there anyway.

Then, there was the whole "complete success" thing. Adama was told to lie about the success of the mission to give the people hope. Aren't the people gonna realize that it was complete bullcrap when the virus is never activated?

Did I miss something, or what?


The virus was supposed to blind their defenses so they couldn't see the fleet coming. Thus the people wouldn't have become aware of Adama's lie because the lie was that the attack that they went through with was made possible, not by tricking the Cylons into diverting ships to attack a fleet that had used this time to attack the then under protected Cylon bases, but through the successful completion of the mission to upload the virus.

As for the doctor's reasons, she said that the war would only end when the colonials were forced negotiate with them and she was hoping that that would happen once they lost their last real hope; the ghost fleet. Her issue wasn't peace in general, but rather peace for the Cylons she sympathized with. She didn't want them to continue suffering when she thought they were victims who were just defending themselves.


Yes, you missed something.

Dr. Kelly’s plan that she sold to the Colonials was to upload a virus that would shut down the Cylons, her personal agenda was to help the Cylons win the war, believing the Cylons were the ones who were persecuted she empathized with them and believe she owed them (the Cylons) a chance.

Unbeknownst to her the Colonials were onto her plan and gave her false information, believing once the Cylons received the information they would make their move and they would counter it with theirs, which in this case they did.

The Adama question is a little more complicated… people in general don’t really want to know the truth as long as it doesn’t directly affect them, of course if the truth was ever released they would flip out but they are comfortable accepting that their government is handling their affairs in their best interest.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result


Ok, that makes sense. I thought that Nash had agreed with her plan, but he was just using her to lure the Cylons in to an ambush. But you're a little mistaken; Kelly didn't say anything about wanting the Cylons to win. She said that the war wouldn't end until we realized that we can't win, and that we have to negotiate. So her plan was to give the Colonials such a heavy loss that they would begin negotiations.


true I'm more speculating on her intentions

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result


Lucifer1974 is correct in the relaying of the story plot. But my interpretation of the Dr.s' intentions is slightly different. It is a combination of the both of your thoughts. One, that succession was inevitable. The fragility of humans could not win against such advanced mechanized power. But secondly this grew from a noticeable empathy for the Cylons. Her experience with the conflict to that point had caused a form of Stockholm syndrome. So i think you both are correct on that account and as far as mini Adama goes well, attraction blinds the eyes of many.


Well, while I enjoyed the pic, I am somewhat troubled by the writers' falling back on the 'lies during wartime' & 'financial support of the war' idea; After all, the fight between the Cylons & the Humans IS a battle of survival/extermination, for all intents & purposes...operational security & maintenance of homefront morale is paramount. And as for the comment that the civilians 'give the money for the war', well...THEY BETTER-especially given the stakes.


Her actions were far too confusing on the show, it made no sense. I had to come to these forums to figure out what her plan actually was.

There should have been flashbacks showing her working on the upgraded MCP with Daniel Graystone or something, showing her compassion for the Cylons, show in flashbacks that she puts them above her own family, her own people. Turn her into the villain that she is, another Clarice Willow, another Gaius Baltar if you will.

Instead we have it all as hearsay from her and whatever Adama and Marv find out, making it ridiculously confusing.
