wow bunch of HATERS

wow yall are a giant bunch of haters who drank far to much hateraid in your lives....ive watch every single episode of criminal minds including the episode where sams team was a part of and they worked well with the other actors and when they split onto their own show well im only like 3 or 4 episodes in so far but i think they are doing a really good job ok not the biggest fan of the brunettes acting and think if they replaced her it'd be a far better show but meh say la vee and if ANY one went into watching this show thinking it would be just like criminal minds or just as good as criminal minds yall are on may be similar and a spin off but it is in among itself a completely different show and should be viewed as such the characters are going to be like the brainiac Dr Spencer Reid or the mocho tough sexy guy SSA Derek Morgan or the Tough yet emotional JJ they are all different and unique but yet great profilers so take the cucumber out ya butts and watch it without the hateraid or the "im a criminal minds fan" bias


You used almost no punctuation in your comment lol. Just very long, endless run on sentences.


Since you believe that many of these idiots are douche bags. Why allow them to get to you? They used you to promote their stupid agenda. When all they had to do is Change the Channel Gump! Or better yet shut the dam tv Oh-eff-eff or Off for them. That would cause a riot!
