MovieChat Forums > The Hunter (2011) Discussion > What was the budget of this film????

What was the budget of this film????

does anyone know? cant seem to find out online.


Well, director Daniel Nettheim only described the budget as 'too low' in this interview: ve-interview-with-director-daniel-nettheim-and-producer-vincent-sheeha n

Which makes me doubt there's an official number actually out there.

Who are they? And what do they want?


thanks for the link, yes i thought the film was low budget myself, there were things missing in it that should have ben i there, like the family and children being murdered from the fire, but I guess they couldn't stretch the budget that far.

does anyone else know what the budget of this film actually is,?


there were things missing in it that should have ben i there, like the family and children being murdered from the fire, but I guess they couldn't stretch the budget that far.

I'm not too sure about this...

It would've completely taken away the surprise and shock when Martin confronts Jack and finds about Lucy's and Sass's fate if the audience had known about it before he did.

I have neither read the novel nor the script, but I'm pretty sure it was the writer's / director's intention not to show what happened to them; it was supposed to be a surprise for both Martin and the audience (which it certailny was).

Who are they? And what do they want?


Around 10 million I'd say. Hollywood would've needed 40 or more to make it
