MovieChat Forums > Safe Haven (2013) Discussion > The book safe haven and the movie safe h...

The book safe haven and the movie safe haven....

I love the safe haven book first of all. I have never been so disappointed in a movie based on a book. I am just wondering if there are any other people who read the book and immensely enjoyed it, and found the movie overwhelmingly disappointing? The movie changed and altered almost every little detail, and it was a sore excuse to even name the movie SAFE HAVEN because to me it was so bad. Just curious if anyone else was as passionate about the book and as disappointed by the movie as i was??


I've never read the book but I understand your annoyance with a book you enjoy being turned into a horrible rendition of the book that might as well not even have the same title. I love the Ella Enchanted book but HATE the movie.

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thank you!! I didn't know ella enchanted was a book at all.. however I didn't really like the movie at all either. if you are an avid reader though I highly suggest the book if you like a romantic thriller :)


I've been wanting to read it because I've heard so much about it here and how different it is from the movie. I think I'll go check it out.

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please do! lol and maybe see if you have the same opinion about it! I know when I see a movie before I read the book its hard to picture the book without the movie in your head... lol
