MovieChat Forums > Casa de mi padre (2012) Discussion > Wow, I don't know whether to feel offend...

Wow, I don't know whether to feel offended or sorry for them.

First off, I don't know how actual Mexicans are going to react to this. It's like they though just having Ferrel play a Mexican would be funny all by itself without actually putting any jokes in the movie.

Secondly, this looks like it's going to bomb big time. I just can't imagine it getting any traction with American audiences, or audiences abroad either. Seriously, who thought this would be funny?

I'm so ugly...that's ok 'cause so are you.



After some serious thought, I finally decided; it's offensive.

That is all

I'm so ugly...that's ok 'cause so are you.



It's offensive to retarded people that aren't aware that Spanish people are actually white. Hmmmmm.... Now who is racist here? I'm confused.


Now if you want to be technical about it, yeah sure.

But let's also add that Native Americans are really Asians and we are actually black.



Who cares what you think! Your bloated ego and stunted sense of humor offends me.


vasq6876 here is coupon for one free book on humor and parody -

You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude.



You're Mexican? From Mexico?


No, he's Mexican from Saudi Arabia.


"No, he's Mexican from Saudi Arabia."

Lol I was going to say something like that.


"It's like they though just having Ferrel play a Mexican would be funny all by itself without actually putting any jokes in the movie."

How do you know they didn't put any jokes in the movie? Have you seen it already?


I think it's funny. It's all a parody.
Why do you need to feel offended for everything? By you I mean everybody. It's a fad nowadays, being offended. Come on, live and let live.


Real men don't get offended.


Well, I'm part Mexican, and I don't feel offended in the slightest... it out!
Keepin' it real!


i'm Mexican and in no way do i feel offended by this. i think this movie looks like it's going to be hilarious.


Oh, come on. It looks funny not offensive


My Tata likes to watch all sorts of cheesy telenovelas and Spanish language westerns. This looks like it's a parody of both, and I think that there's a good chance that it will be funny. Also, the amount of money that a movie makes is not a good indication of the quality of the film itself. Many people, including myself, absolutely loved Drive, yet it did not make millions upon millions.


americans are easiily offended by almost everything. mexicans can take it, remember: this is no place for cowards.

and one other thing: mexican law has it that if a baby has a mexican parent, no matter where he was born, he is mexican. so yea, someone could be mexican from Saudi Arabia.
