MovieChat Forums > Casa de mi padre (2012) Discussion > Thanks for making this film

Thanks for making this film

Loved this film... to me nothing is better than when will ferrell does something for the sheer "art" or fun of it. Yeh it wont make much, but it was so well done and should turn a nice profit since the budget was so low.
I love the 70s feel to it, the parody/homage to those type films was perfect. I didnt make fun of too much, but paid a homage to them in a respectful and fun way.
you can tell everyone involved believed in this project and gave it their all, for the art of filmaking, not for the $$$.

This is why movies are such a treat at times.



My girlfriend and I went to the movies today and chose to watch Casa de mi Padre on a total whim; neither of us had heard anything of it. We both like Adam Mckay and Will Ferrell, so we gave it a shot even though it looked pretty iffy. So we bought the ticket and took the ride. Such a treat indeed.

It turned out to be a ton of fun for us. The one other couple occupying the otherwise empty theater seemed to enjoy it as well -- sometimes we were all laughing at the same thing, and sometimes we were all laughing at different things at different times. And then there were times when the movie would take on a serious tone, and we would sit in dead silence simply absorbing the alarmingly compassionate story in which a multitude of various strands of humor was cleverly intertwined.

Sure there were some laugh-out-loud moments throughout, but to me it was more of a FUN movie than a persistently FUNNY one. I definitely became afflicted with a serious case of permagrin within the first 5 or 10 minutes into it.

At first I found myself trying to grasp the concept, trying to figure out the comedic angle, trying to feel out the tone, …basically just trying to GET IT. Finally it occurred to me that I was pretty much wasting my energy with needless logic and distracting myself from the movie itself. So I just let go and WATCHED the movie. It was then that I “got it.” It was just Fun.

Fun can be a rather rare thing in many of our hectic lives. Sometimes we may even feel a little guilty for having a little fun every now and then. We need to be working, taking things seriously, and playing it safe -- or else... That’s stupid though. And sad. And that is mainly why I enjoyed Casa de mi Padre.

It was like some guys that make movies thought of a wacky idea that would be a fun movie to make, and then they made it. Who cares if it doesn’t make a fortune? They’ve had plenty of success; why keep pushing for more? What is the risk? Apparently they are confident enough in their abilities to bounce back if this particular project is to bomb. Why not do what you love and have fun doing it? A strong vibe of fun and love radiating from this movie resonated with me deeply. And I admire that this virtually unmarketable movie was brought to fruition despite the fact that charts and graphs would most likely discourage its execution and hinder creativity in a world growing blander by the dollar.

I loved this movie and will buy the DVD when it is released. However, I expect limited commercial appeal – possibly a cult classic on the DVD market over time. But to those who hate it, don’t get it, or simply do not care for it, it’s just not a movie that was made for them. This movie was made for me and anybody else who received value from watching it.

In my opinion, the world is a little less bland and a little more fun with this delightful contribution. And for that, I too say, “Thank you for making this movie.”


I completely agree with both of you, this was just a fun movie and I enjoyed the heck out of it. Completely different from everything else I've seen this year, wacky, random, and just a pleasure to watch. It's really nice to get a cinematic breath of fresh air from time to time, though I know this is the kind of movie that many people won't "get".



Same for me. I'm so glad this film was made!
