Karl is such a downer

Karl complains about everything, everything. After a point of time it becomes tiring to hear him complain about every single thing. Why even bother traveling if that is all you are going to do? The show is not completely representative. It picks the worst pieces that the world knows about the countries and exaggerates them leaving out the advancement and modern parts. In China, the focus was on what they eat. In India, he could not get a decent hotel. There are so many amazing hotels in India, why not go there instead of putting up in a measly room and complaining all the time? Why show the absolute worst and feed into stereotypes? I was bored after the first 2 episodes and can't watch anymore of complaining Karl.


You're kinda being a downer in this post, just saying


That is kind of the point of this show. They purposely give him bad accommodations, food and conditions because hearing him complain sets their (the producers Ricky and Steven ) sides a fire with laughter.


it makes the show funny imo.. if you want to see a show thats the complete opposite meaning they never complain and have a great time wherever they go checkout Departures. Its the exact opposite of this show as they enjoy every destination where karl just moans usually doing the same things its hilarious to see the contrast of the two shows.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain


Where did you find Departures? Thanks.


If you watch his other show The Moaning of Life he's more up beat and less of a downer in it.
But there is also no Ricky and Stephen trying to annoy and piss him off nonstop.
He actually gets happy and excited a lot in the other one


I think anyone would be happier if they didn't appear in a TV series created by schadenfreudes.
