A Cringeathon!

Not sure if that is a real word, but this is one movie that dragged on and on and worsened, if that is possible, as it meandered along. Maybe the script was written as a porno film and they chickened out at the last minute, who knows.
The sad part is that there were some potentially good actors involved and it is a crying shame that they had so little with which to work.
Possibly, the writers should be chained to the chair and made to watch 48 hours straight of 'An American Werewolf in London' or something,to give them an idea, should they wish to make a second attempt at this.

To tennis players love means nothing!


Not sure how Robert Englund ended up in it either, but he showed everyone up on how to portray a villain properly without much screen time.

It was made up of soap actresses and models though, so hardly surprising. Nice to see that bird from Superman in it too. Looks alright for her age.


I saw it as part of a double-bill with Cockneys vs Zombies which was genuinely funny. This one tried hard to be funny, but didn't have anywhere near, as clever a script.🐭
