In your face gay agenda

Actually I haven't seen it. I'm just assuming.

Then again maybe its just a kids film



Don't comment on a movie if you haven't seen it dude.


Perhaps its you who shouldn't comment on movies you have seen




He had nothing to say. You have nothing to say. I on the other hand made a valuable contribution to the debate and moreover I did it without even having to see the rubbish Seth Rogen movie.


You're an idiot for assuming. It's a movie. If you don't like it, then don't watch it but stop being so damn homophobic, like it's going to leak off the screen and make you gay.


What's homophobic about flagging up this movie's outrageous gay agenda? I love gay people. Literally. Sometimes down the woods while the squirrels watch. But then Hollywierd goes pushing this pepperami porn in our children's faces. That's just not on.


> I on the other hand made a valuable contribution to the debate

Did you? I didn't see it. I saw you post a complaint. Would you care to remind us what your valuable contribution was?

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I just saw it and I didn't get infected with gay lifestyle.

However, I'm not so sure about my boyfriend, he was making these moans and grunts while sucking my man-meat after we got home; that seemed a bit gay to me but it could have been just my imagination.


Sounds like you had a lucky escape. Don't worry, there's nothing gay about a bit of full throated camaraderie amongst chaps. We all do that. That's just bros being bros. But what gets me is the fags, waving their tight little arses, sticking it in your face...I mean in a completely non-bro-like faggy kind of way. It makes my cheeks bulge with rage and I don't enjoy it at all


What is happening here?

"In your opinion?"
"Um, yes your honor, in my opinion."


it's a big anti-sausage sausage party, and everybody's invited. With one or two provisos


I used to love the pussy, until I saw this movie. Now I can't go a day without having a penis inside me. AVOID THIS MOVIE.


I'm hearing reports like this all the time now.

They get you one way or the other. For example I was in a cubicle just thinking about life when what I thought was a hotdog with mustard and relish suddenly emerged through a hole in the partition wall. Before I realised what was happening it was too late.
