MovieChat Forums > Sausage Party (2016) Discussion > I hope this bashes religion...

I hope this bashes religion...

Before I see this, does it do a good job bashing religion?




The Lavash believes that "72 bottles of extra virgin olive oil" await him in the afterlife.


Well, the kosher bagel and the halal... whatever it was both laughed their heads off together at the main hot dog character's suggestion that they should co-exist.

Why are you here if you haven't seen the movie yet?


It bashes the idea of blinding following scripture. So, the products are fooled by the promise of a heaven lying beyond the supermarket doors, and they act according to that promise. Also, two of the characters are Muslim and Jewish respectively, and there's some pretty broad satire about their stumbling attempts to achieve mutual tolerance.

The religion bashing is very blunt but it's probably the most interesting part of an otherwise mediocre movie.

My movie reviews:



Worth the price of a ticket




the entire movie is based on bashing religion

all the food believe in this great beyond and humans are gods

but the conclusion is that it is all a lie and the best heaven is heaven on earth

so yeah they bash religion

also, it manages to be very pro-israel, pro-zionism because the jewish bagel is all innocent, pacifist and calm

whereas the arab pita or whatever that was, he was degrading women, aggressive

so you got your wish

it bashes religion AND it's anti-Arab



Well, if we're going to just throw around idiotic stereotypes: when you going to screw your sister you freaking redneck?


Great, another SJW.


Yes, talking hot dogs and a variety of animated food products bash religion and focus on sex as a meaningless hobby. I'm sure it will be just what you are hoping for.



Sui Ishida is the only god.


What God do you believe in? Because the amount of hatred you spew in this response doesn't seem like something that would come from a follower of a loving God.


wow - what a lovely godly person you are. You. YOU. Are the reason many atheists view believers as being judgmental and unpleasantly hypocritical.


Wow, that comment is exactly why we need more mockery of religion. Religion has created so much division that followers can't even treat those who don't worship their god with an ounce of respect, and they feel so self-righteous and entitled that no one shall dare criticize their religion or point out flaws in their logic. They feel god is on their side and they can do whatever they want regardless of how wicked and immoral it is, because whatever they do is automatically right, particularly when it's done against the 'evil non-believers'.


He/She needs a reason to live.

Clearly hating religion, is his/her reason to live.

There's nothing else real in their life, that they're surrounded by, that they can relate to. So the next logical step, is to find every other way to coexist among that which they so despise. And seeking attention for it is their bread and better. Or should I say, bread and fish?
