
The main problem of the movie is the premise of a black family owning a house in the Hamptons... After that impossible suspense of disbelief everything else is just secondary. They should have made it Detroit.


I don't think the setting is that important. It was a bad movie with poor characters.


I'm not American, so I am assuming that there are no black families that own property in The Hamptons and that they all live in Detroit? Interesting.



the only unrealistic thing in this movie was craig robinson getting a girl as beautiful as kerry washington.. her real life hubby is nnamdi asomugha.. they are the exact opposite in every way possible..


You are SO right because all black people are poor and live in Detroit......you know except for every single black person in this film who all happen to be richer than you.


For me its the idea of coming to people's home uninivted.


Thank you lferrigon. The idea that someone can just ride up on a boat to a judge's house without any type of security was the most unrealistic aspect of the movie.


I thought this was about how unrealistic it was for someone like Kerry Washington's character to marry someone as unremarkable as the character played by Robinson.

It's not unrealistic for a wealthy, high-class African-American family to live in the Hamptons, now or decades ago. Although, working, middle and low-class blacks are what most people know, there have always been high class African Americans even in the 1800s; some were part of secret societies. Even when the Hamptons were segregated, there were still rich blacks living in their own enclaves there. The movie specifically showed Sag Harbor which has been home to affluent blacks and even Native Americans for generations.

The fact that this film is modern makes the OP's premise completely ignorant. All you have to do is research and find out about Blacks in the Hamptons. I'm sure if the movie was set in "Detroit" it likely would have focused on a different class and type of black person.

Maybe if there's a follow-up, Robinson's family can hail from Detroit to further the theme of culture clash. :-(


Thanks for posting that, sythiarose. I hope the OP read it.


Even though you are probably a troll, I'm going to recommend you increase your IQ to the triple digits and read a book called "Our Kind of People" by Lawrence Otis Graham.


Where do you think all the black families with 6-figure incomes live? On Mars? Seriously? They exist but they aren't allowed to buy homes???


It's a light comedy, not a documentary.
