MovieChat Forums > Quarantine 2: Terminal (2011) Discussion > Was the Co-Pilot already infected?

Was the Co-Pilot already infected?

He already seemed pretty sick from the beginning of the film.



I thought so too and especially with his eyes being so red and all. It was never really addressed tho.


It was probably just another red herring, like the job interview guy sneezing repeatedly, and the cat.


Well he states something was wrong with the dogs in the neighborhood at the start of the film.


The clear implication in that "subplotette" was that while the captain and the co-pilot were trying to keep the rabid Mr Bunt in the plane toilet the co-pilot (already infected from his dog) went rabid himself and attacked the captain. That seems logical to me.


I assumed he was infected already when he got on the plane.

Although, if "all the dogs in the neighborhood" have something wrong with them, then efforts to contain the virus have already failed, so all the quarantining and shooting is kind of pointless.


I would say no. Obviously, the film made it appear like he was, but I think for false alarm and suspense, but considering the amount of time that had passed and how his symptoms did not progressively get worse like others, I don't think so.


I think it was just a common cold.

He showed symptoms of something long before Golf Guy did, yet didn't turn until much later, and unless I missed it, nasal congestion wasn't something the others suffered before turning.


Although some time had passed since Paula was bitten and turned!!! A possibility I guess, I've never known a person's eyes to go red like that with a common cold.

I only axed ya for a smoke - Jack Frost


It's an interesting question. I passed it off, as was suggested, a red herring, but wasn't there 2 ways to get it in the first film, 1 by bite that occurred much faster than by airborne?


The only way to get it was from being bit/having your fluids mixed with theirs. In REC they did expalin that the transformation takes different amounts of time to manifest based on the victim's blood type.


Have you ever been on a plane? There's ALWAYS sniffling and sneezing folks on a plane. ALWAYS.

That was merely realism.

Clearly the infection only started when the very heavyset guy got bit by the hamster that looks like a rat...


I thought it was implied that he was actually infected already (from all the dogs in the neighborhood) and that he did eventually turn at some point and attacked the other pilot. (and thus setting Ralph free) I also believe it was explained that different routes of infection means different amount of times that it'll take for someone to turn.

Now that I read everyone else's opinion though, the idea of him being a red Herring and not actually being infected sounds legitimate as well.
