Those kids...

Why did they cast so hideous kids. Alexander looks like a retard with speech impediment and his sister has obviously been beaten with the ugly stick.

Could not watch this more than few mins.




I agree, the baby is the only exception. Those kids are ugly.

"A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself." - Jim Morrison


The daughter's the girl from Ray Donovan so despite that she's not ugly per say she looks a lot like Betsy Brandt from Breaking Bad which is discomforting.

I'm betting she's in some way a family relative because there's no way that the two look so identical and not have anything related.



Totally agree. Alexander kinda ruined it with his annoying speech and poor acting.


no one bothered me, the girl was rather homely, but she made up for it by being a good singer and a sarcastic wit, the big brother was rather fugly but had a heart and the baby was so cute, but that is because he was played by twin girls!!


I will say Kerris is hideous but I love emily. Dylan loOKs decent. Alexander loOKs like he has a speech problem.


I too found it odd that two attractive parents had such distinctly different yet objectionable-looking children. Except the baby. Cheers.


"I too found it odd that two attractive parents had such distinctly different yet objectionable-looking children. "

You think Steve Carell is attractive ? Wow.
