What were you all expecting?

I agree that the trailer for this looks terrible, but I have to ask the people complaining: what were your expectations? Did people really think this book contained enough story to make a feature-length movie? I'd like for anyone to describe what their ideal adaptation would look like.


Maybe...don't make an adaptation at all?


by MrPink08 » (Sat May 10 2014 10:08:48)

Maybe...don't make an adaptation at all?
Not a fan of the comedy shown in the trailer myself, especially the Steve Carell bits, which is odd because I usually like him.

However, "don't make an adaptation at all"? How about, "Don't see the movie if you're so against it because the world does not revolve around you?" I would understand your suggestion if the book was Lord of the Rings and they made a very distant live-action adaptation. But it's Alexander. While the book was enjoyable, there wasn't much story to it.

The live-action adaptation simply borrows the concept of a "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day" from the book to make a movie, and instead of focusing on one character, they switched it up and focused on his family's bad day instead while having Alexander be the observer and the source of wisdom, especially with his line "trust me, I should know," acknowledging HIS own bad experiences in the book.


What were we expecting? How about some adaptation of this classic book that bares some sort of resemblance to the source material? While ALEXANDER is a thing, quick read there are ways to flesh out the book to make it a 90-minute film that focuses on, you know, ALEXANDER.

Part of the reason the book is a classic and has stood the test of time is that it is an honest depiction of a lovable little boy having a rotten little day. As sweet and likable as the story was it was grounded in a certain realism that everyone could relate to (child or adult). We all had days like that. It wasn't a CARTOON (ha, even though it was illustrated, but you know what I mean)like the movie is depicting.

Maybe the movie is better than it is being marketed so it is unfair to judge before the film is released. That being said the trailer looks awful CONSIDERING the source material it is choosing to associate with.


I think you're right in that we probably need to wait and see the film (or at least wait until some reviews come out) until we judge the film.

Someone on another message board said that they've heard that it's a solid little film. That gives me some confidence that the film will at least be okay.

This movie isn't going to win any awards and this certainly isn't a film for everybody. It's a family film geared toward kids ages 6-13 years old. As long as the budget for this film isn't over the top, then I expect it to do just fine at the box office.

Also, if I had to predict-it seems like the first 1/3 of the film will focus on Alexander's bad day, the second 1/3 of the film will focus on the family's bad day and the final 1/3 of the film will be the family rallying together to help each other through their bad day (& of course end with a happy ending).


Well...just to play devil's advocate, would anyone have expected that a good 90-minute movie could be made out of the nine-sentence Where the Wild Things Are?


There already was an adaptation that's more faithful to the story and spirit of the book, I loved it as a kid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7-dpWmP2yI


Miguel Arteta is a real director and Steve Carrell has generally been smart in the projects he picks so it wouldn't have been unreasonable to expect more interesting than well this based on the trailer anyways. Come on they didn't even get a red head to play Alexander.


I would have preferred that this would be set in the time when the book was written, but it's ok to make it more modern- what I hate is that they strayed so much from the main character, and made it into such a tired cliché kids' film.

Also, this was not the only book in the series. They could have drawn from the events in the other books and fit them together into one storyline. This just seems so lazy and uninspired. D:

I LOVE it when it's hamburger day!- Romy White


Personally I don't think they should make a movie of it at all.

"You want me to roll 6,000 of these!? What? Should I quit my job!?" George Costanza, Seinfeld


The trailer made me want to see it....

"Meet me in Montauk." ~ Clem, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Expected the worst with this trailer. This really did surprise me. Pretty funny and kinda touching.



I didn't have any expectations and I was entertained its not the best thing i've seen and its far from the worst
Not knowing the book I had a smile with the Australian references


I'm expecting Dee derp de derp de derpity derpy derp.
And I'm sure that's exactly what I'll get.
Here goes.


What were you all expecting?
I wasn't expected anything. And liked it.. I've never read the book so maybe that helps?
