MovieChat Forums > The Trip (2010) Discussion > Comparisons to A Cock and Bull Story

Comparisons to A Cock and Bull Story

I've been enjoying The Trip and was thinking about getting A Cock and Bull Story. How similar are they, in terms of humour, storyline and performances by Rob and Steve?

Many Thanks


It's been a while since I saw it but do remember enjoying it. Storylines obviously totally different but they are playing versions of themselves again so you get all the laughs that come with that.

It had quite a similar, minimalist, humour and some of the impressions were also in there.

In a nutshell if you like this I expect you'll like ACABS

Sweep the leg


Indeed. It's evident Winterbottom saw there was more fun to be had from Rob and Steve being left to, largely, their own devices... enough fun for say maybe a series called The Trip ;)
