MovieChat Forums > The Trip (2010) Discussion > What is it supposed to be?

What is it supposed to be?

I enjoy moments in this show, but I am struggling with the concept. Is it a comedy? Drama? Improvisation?

It's thoroughly odd.



That's what I like about it too. It's a restaurant critique's travelogue, a comedy, a documentary/ mockumentary and has enough melancholia about it for it to qualify as having a dramatic element too.

Both Coogan and Brydon have said that it is largely improvised. I assume they set out with a basic script and ad-lib around a few ideas. It then comes together during the editing process.

As far as I can tell, the characters are slight exaggerations of the two actors' public personas. Brydon as the good natured joker and Coogan as the skirt-chasing acerbic wit.




Coogan can't be that egotistical if he allowed himself to be portrayed as he was in The Trip. It's plainly obvious that the Coogan and the Brydon in this are comic creations not simple, unvarnished, direct manifestations of self.




Good observations. I imagine other metaphors will become apparent on repeated viewings, it's a deceptively simple piece.

