MovieChat Forums > Super Shark (2011) Discussion > Holy Sh*t this was bad!

Holy Sh*t this was bad!

I have never seen anything except maybe porn, but then porn at least serves a purpose and function, whereas this film was just ... oh my, I really don't know what to say. I am completely stumped, and even if I spoke all the languages and dialects in existence, I'd still be lost for words.

The film is a master class on how not to; write, direct and act. if you want to know what not do in film, watch this


You know, normally I'd respond with a "what did you expect? Its called Super Shark" comment but in all honesty, I was looking forward to a campy, fun film along the lines of Sharknado. And for a film thats about a shark that is the size of a submarine that can withstand a torpedo blast, can walk and can fly...this film was underwhelming. It rarely, if at all, showed the shark, the focus is on some oil mining tycoon for using some chemical on the ocean floor.

I also thought this movie was just boring as hell, and it takes a lot to make a movie like this boring.

"I have always valued my lifelessness."
