Well this was predictably awful

I put off watching this for so long because the concept of a feature length prequel about a cheesy side character of an already cheesy show seemed like a terrible idea, and it was. It's just Bruce Campbell in blue camo Bruce Campbling his lines all over someone's farm for what feels like an eternity. If there's any redeeming quality, it's that there is absolutely nothing of any substance here whatsoever, yet they were able to fill 89 minutes with pure mundane content. That's quite a feat in itself. I think I'm just gonna pretend I never saw this and go back to watching the final season as if it never happened.

Just make up your own backstory for Sam. Whatever it is, it's better than this.



Who hurt you?


A touchy feely uncle.



ouch... play nice boys


So I take it that you didn't like it??
