MovieChat Forums > True Justice (2011) Discussion > Yet another 2 worded film title from the...

Yet another 2 worded film title from the ageing one.

How easy is it to make up names for Seagal movies ?

Words like Impact, Lethal, Revenge, Justice, Death, Deadly, Force etc. etc..

It must be possible to quickly write an app to generate titles for Seagal movies that will save to movies studios 5 seconds of their precious time to think of yet another one.

Same old, same old. You seen one you seen 'em all. I am curious as to why these films are even being funded. It's been a dry hole for a long time now. Gone are the days of Nico, Hard to Kill and Under Seige (1).

Here's one for his next movie... Overweight Death-Blow.

Or we can mix and match... Lethal Seige, Under Justice ?

Or just go wild.. some for when he's a little older.. Easy to Kill, Non-Lethal Justice, Under Table. Or a cameo in The Slow and the Curious ?

Enough please. Or put him in a film where you do need your brain switched on to watch.



Maybe you're both "right"...?

The pilot [and maybe various other of the 2-part] episodes have been re-packaged for sale as "tv movies".



Maybe you're both "morons"...?
