
Spoilers inherent.

At the midway point where the gun is pulled on the couple, and Alex pushes Nica in front of him -- yeah, that was awkward. It's such an instinctual moment, and it makes so much sense...that "live or die" decision you have to make in the split of a second. Then he kind of passes it off as if he were GRABBING her first, then pushing her behind him. That moment seems so REAL, you almost laugh, because you can imagine yourself doing it in the same situation, purely out of survival instinct. The whole movie seems to be this balancing act between couples, and the uncomfortability of relationships. Case in point: When they're crossing the river, Alex asks Nica to go ahead of him...but she insists he go first. At this point, I realized this was only a test; he should have allowed her to go first, so that he could catch her if she falls. He remains oblivious (and still a little butthurt from the previous long silence) and allows her to fall. The movie sort of becomes a lesson in reading a woman's subtleties, and being able to prevent disasters like this from occurring.

Oh, and the moral of the story? Don't leave your girl alone with the guide.
