MovieChat Forums > The Loneliest Planet (2013) Discussion > Don't be fooled, one of the worst if not...

Don't be fooled, one of the worst if not the worst film I've ever seen

The trailer fooled me.

I thought this would be an interesting film, oh boy was I wrong.

I'm disgusted quite frankly at the arrogance of the writer, director and producer to think that anyone would pay money to watch 3 people walk around from one pointless, frustratingly dull scene to the next.

For all the 'events' in this film they could have fit within 1 minute. That's how long the film should have been, even then it would have been a wasted minute.

No imagination, I cannot praise anything about this film not even the sound or the cinematography (although they are the least offenders).

If you are taking anything other than a strong amphetamine then watching this film will put you at great risk of falling into a coma.

There is no merit here, this is a prime example of a director's contempt for her audience, if you can stand to watch this you'll watch any old cr@p.


congratulations, you watched your first arthouse film. now go back to transformers and co.


Congratulations, youve proven to be a true original by using the transformer allegory, fv<ktard.


nice try, but it's a synecdoche, not an allegory. now go back to school!


English is not my first language, Whats your excuse for being an a$$hole and using the tired transformers line when you dont agree with someone's opinion? Idiot


English is not my first language

figures of speech apply to all languages.

Whats your excuse for being an a$$hole and using the tired transformers line when you dont agree with someone's opinion? Idiot

because the transformers line is dead on in this case. the OP judges an arthouse flick on the basis of big budget entertainment blockbuster criteria, which says more about himself than about the film.

now get some treatment for your tourette syndrom...


If you spoke more than just one language, not even 4 like I do, english being my worst, you would realize that if its sufficient to get your message across, like I obviously did, most foreigners will not bother with the hassle of resorting to a dictionary for every single word we are not 100% sure about,

How can you assert what the OP judged and what, if any, was the basis of his judgement? Did you talk to him, or did you just pull that conclusion out of yer arse?

While I absolutely loved the film,specially since my uncle Inti Briones was responsible for the gorgeous cinematography, I dont assume that anybody who didnt enjoy it is a retarded Michael Bay fan, the film does have a slow pace and a plot point that if youre distracted for less than 5 seconds you will miss.


well, you brought up the term allegory. so if you don't know what an allegory is, why use the word in the first place?

sure, the film has a slow pace and minimal narrative. however, it's clearly what the filmmakers wanted it to be and how it should be perceived by the audience.
so there's no reason in insulting the filmmakers as well as their target audience, only because you don't belong to the latter and you approached the movie with wrong expectations. but that's exactly what the OP did here...



A synecdoche is a figure of speech in which the one of the following (or its reverse) is expressed:

A part stands for a whole
An individual stands for a class
A material stands for a thing
Examples (English)

Fifty head referring to 50 head of cattle
Cat referring to a lion>>

I dont see how the transformers line is a proper Synechdoche, though I admit Allegory is'nt entirely correct either, perhaps 'the Transformers allusion' would have been more appropiate, i dont know, you are the anglo speaker, you figure it out.
Btw, since the word came up and you like smart flicks, check this out, you may like it

I apologize for my cyber tourette's.

Have a good day.


A synecdoche is a figure of speech in which the one of the following (or its reverse) is expressed:
An individual stands for a class

individual (movie 'transformers') stands for a class ('fast-paced hollywood action blockbusters')

i dont know, you are the anglo speaker, you figure it out.

i'm not an anglo speaker either. literature terms such as allegory or synechdoche are all derived from greek, thus have a similar meaning in each language.

Btw, since the word came up and you like smart flicks, check this out, you may like it

thanks, yeah i know this one. definitely an interesting film and worth watching.
