Possible sequels

Will there ever be anymore Avatar shows like this? Are they planning on making more is this all that we're getting?


The only sequel you're getting is a comic book.

I wouldn't be excited, though. They've been releasing Avatar: The Last Airbender comic books since 2012, and all of them are terrible.

I'm tired of talkin, Fuchs. I just wanna get up to my shack and get drunk.


Don't think they're terrible but no where near the show.

I would love to see either a sequel showing the Gaang as adults or prequels showing more of the earlier Avatars like Wan.


I wouldn't be excited, though. They've been releasing Avatar: The Last Airbender comic books since 2012, and all of them are terrible.

I on the other hand actually enjoy the comic books.


Yeah, pretty much like with The Legend of Korra, the fanbase is pretty divided with these comics. Some love 'em, others hate 'em.

I found them dull and generally boring. Almost everyone acts like a cardboard cutout, except maybe for Zuko.

Also, I hated how they trolled us in The Search with all that "Ozai is not Zuko's biological dad!" plot twist, just for Ursa to reveal at the end "nah man, I was just trolling Ozai for no real reason, I mean, I knew he read all my stuff, so the whole thing was pointless anyways".

These comics exist just for the sake of milking the franchise as much as possible (Avatar: The Last Airbender specifically, the one that didn't divide the fanbase, unlike Korra), not to tell a good story.

Oh, and the way they brought back Azula in the latest comic was laughable. In the end, the whole thing was a waste of time.

I'm tired of talkin, Fuchs. I just wanna get up to my shack and get drunk.
