Snake in Louisiana

Good grief....hasn't he ever heard...."red touch yellow, kill a fellow, red touch black venom lack.". He said the snake was not poisonous because of the shape of it's head.


shape/size of a snake's head is easier to remember than colors


But seeing the body colors is much easier and quicker than figuring out the shape of the snake's head.


Was he wrong?


Chucksteak, I didn't see the episode in question but from the description here it sounds like coral snake. While your rattlers do have distinctly shaped heads, coral snakes aren't as obvious.


Perhaps you should watch the episode then? Just a suggestion. was not a coral snake. My question was to point out that to the OP that even though Myke Hawke used a different method to identify the snake as non-venomous then he (the OP) does, that does not mean it was incorrect.


That saying is to distinguish between coral snakes and king snakes or milk snakes. Those all have the colors of red, yellow and black. The snake on the episode only had black and red; the saying doesn't apply to it just because it has two colors touching from that poem.



Neither technique is an absolute. The only way to be sure is to really know your snakes.

"Smile, Castle, you're gonna see your family again!"
