kinda boring

Seth Rogen was something thta is hard for him to be, unfunny.
there were very few laughs, there was very little drama, the characters were terribly underdeveloped, which would have made up for the lack of laughs. So we could understand where they were coming from or their motivations, etc...
just seems it was half written and throw together. just no direction at all. kinda like another film out now, playing for keeps. both underdone weak efforts just tossed together. films that just meander along wiht no purpose or destination.

but Butler did seem to take his role seriously though. for what he had to work with.


I think this was a step up for Rogan ... usually he is in movie that stuffs jokes in it, whether funny or not, whether they add or detract from the scene or not. I think this was a comedy but with drama and some seriousness and sentimentality to it. It worked for me, I really enjoyed it. I think it takes guts to make a movie about a guy and his mom ... usually movies are about fathers and sons. Mother-son is too weird for moviemakers to take a chance on. I think they pulled this off successfully, and for me I would say superlatively. I really enjoyed it.
