Barb and ROgen

There is no type of criminal torture.
Waterboarding, Iron Maiden or Chinese.
Nay, there is nothing more horrible in this world.
That would make me see this movie.

Seth Rogan was horrible in the Green Hornet.
Babs has been terrible since time began.
Strike that, Babs has been written up badly.
In cuniform.

Who in god's name greenlit this?

It will be on Paul Scheer's "How did this get made".

In two weeks.

God, what a horrible trailer, horrible movie and just bad.


Green Hornet was really torture ... but this movie is really good.
Just say it today and really loved it.
Both of them were like a comedy team, Streisand did good comedy
and Rogan stretched his talent dramatically.
It hung together well, broke new ground in theme, and
was funny. I love movies that come out of left field and surprise
me like this one.
