Don't blame me !

I tried to tell you all... after seeing the trailer. (see my month old post)
This one was fast tracked to DUDsville. Even Rogen could not save it.
The audience numbers have confirmed. kerplunk.
Paramount was "expecting a Golden Globe nomination" for Babs? Unbelievable.

Sounds like the crew that's running GM...into the ground.


Barbra Streisand was great ... I was thinking some award for this light, but heart-warming movie.
It was not too sarcastic and cynical and broke new ground in movies really ...not much mother-son
stuff out there. I hope she gets an award, and I really wonder what motivates people to dump on a
movie like this with really no critical logic - it's just brainless name calling.


It's actually quite enjoyable, if not award material, and I think word of mouth and holiday vacations will build box office over the next few weeks.
