MovieChat Forums > The Guilt Trip (2012) Discussion > For what it was, 10/10 ... loved it.

For what it was, 10/10 ... loved it.

OK, I admit it, I'm a sucker for comedies that have a nice warm human moral,
and lots of funny jokes that are edgy, but not tooooooo edgy.

The Guilt Trip met my criterion. I was laughing and I hate to admit it crying
as well. My Mom is scheduled for surgery on Christmas Eve and this movie had
me thinking of that mother-son thing.

It was really cute, and I wish I had had the chance to do something like that
with my Mom.

Barbra Streisand was really great, and so was Seth Rogan ... they made such a
good pair that I was thinking they should get some kind of award.

The twist at the end was heartwarming and hopeful ... all in all a really wonderful
movie that the whole family can watch and enjoy.

I am so tired of movies that are just dark, violent, dismal and hopeless ... there
is enough of that in the real world. It's not that I don't like dark, it's just that in
the last decades movies have beat the hell out of dark and there is hardly much
new to say or do.

Very much enjoyed "The Guilt Trip" and hope others who see it do as well. 10/10.


Me, too. How refreshingly touching. No gross out jokes. No Cgi. I just told my brother to go see it. And not just because he reminds me a bit of the Seth Rogan character, meetings with HSN, deadpan humor and sweet nature.


I also enjoyed this movie. It was very good.


Me, too. How refreshingly touching. No gross out jokes. No Cgi. I just told my brother to go see it. And not just because he reminds me a bit of the Seth Rogan character, meetings with HSN, deadpan humor and sweet nature.

Ironically, there is a TON of CGI in this movie. The the entire road trip (minus Vegas) was shot in and around Malibu.
Magic of Hollywood.


I loved it too! I'm surprised the reviews haven't been very good. I'm with you 10/10. My college aged daughter liked it as well.


I saw the movie with a friend and thought it was awesome. The Joyce character reminded me of the personality of my own mother.


It's a really good movie ... I think there are just right-wing wackos out there who have to make a ruckus each time a liberal celebrity makes a a movie. you can tell they did not see the movie and they just tarnish the whole experience with what is a kind of virtual terrorism and it has no downside for them.


It was a good movie. I hope more people will see it in theaters.


i concur. dis is a good escape from ultra violence, spectacle, oscar-bait crap.

it reminded me of last yr's We Bought a Zoo - which wuz just a normal low-key feel good movie

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafcker


We saw The Guilt Trip On Christmas day with a packed theater. It seemed like the entire crowd enjoyed the movie. I am surprised at the low rating on IMDB.


I just saw it today and gave it a 10/10 too. Loved the end...what a pleasant surprise. Also glad she called the sexy cowboy back too.


I'm surprised by all the hate. I just saw this over the weekend and was pleasantly surprised. I wouldn't have chosen it on my own but my sister wanted to see it. I was expecting a rather mediocre moive and I was pleasantly surprised. Seth Rogen and Babs really played well off of each other and there was not the predictability I've come to expect. There are genuinely touching moments and I found myself laughing throughout the whole film. What was a bit edgy never sunk to crude and I have to say I really enjoyed it.


> Seth Rogen and Babs really played well off of each other and there was not the predictability I've come to expect.

Yeah, that's what I thought too. I can't believe, not only the predictability of comedies, but the cheap gags in them that break any story line if there is one, and go way over the top for a cheap laugh. Guilt Tip was more of a comedic holiday road story movie with a point, and not just a series of unconnected skips with the plot as an excuse to hold them together.



Nowadays it takes a true maverick to make a sweet film that isn't treacly Disney garbage.

Fogelman is the new maverick in Hollywood. And from what I've seen, he doesn't always dress in black, which makes him TWICE as edgy!


Totally agree ... I just saw "Crazy Stupid Love" with my girlfriend on Amazon Instant Video and we both really liked it.

