MovieChat Forums > The Guilt Trip (2012) Discussion > Not coarse = not funny(?)

Not coarse = not funny(?)

Seth Rogen being in it, I expected the usual bunch of obscenity, swearing, and so on, and, to be honest, I was quite disappointed by this almost sweet and tender film.
However, I don't blame it and I actually think that at least my humour sense has been corrupted by extremely vulgar films like "Superbad" and "Ted", or the latest watched: "This is the end".
To be clear, vulgar doesn't necessary mean stupid (the characters and their adventures in "Superbad" were extraordinary) and don't you think I like any film just for being gross (one example is the "Scary movie" series: I don't find it funny it all).
But, to conclude, it's a fact I have my best laughs only with that kind of films.

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