Why this movie sucks!

Cuz its a movie only old lady's would like, I like many people thought it might have been alright cuz Seth Rogan is in it but he just plays Barbara's loser son who is not funny ever in this film. The cover/poster of this movie should be the mom with him in the background looking all awkward so at least we wouldn't be annoyed when we watch it and find out its really all about Barbara!

MORE THAN ANY OF THAT, the movie sucks because....it has an incredibly stupid story, what a retard the mom character is, just depressing that she was so obsessed with some guy in her past that didn't even want to be with her but YET she names her FRIGGIN SON after him, what a joke. Also Seth's character is so empty and boring he finally sells his product successfully by drinking it, WOW I haven't seen that pitch 100 times in pitch shows. Barbara does play her part very well, she is a great actress and I never watched a movie with her before but that is besides the point.


But Seriously Your Opinion Is Wrong


WOW...just Wow...couldn't be more wrong...

Actually I'm 29, turning 30 this year and male and I could totally relate to this movie in all it's situations. Think of it being gay as much as some people might want to...but this story was just "real" as it could happen to someone. My mother died when I was 16 and this movie made me think about it once again and made me really miss her...so yeah...I thought this movie was great.

It's definetely not for all audiences, you need to have some sort of "relationship" to the topic but if you do, no matter what age or sex...you will enjoy this movie!


I am confused by what you said this characters mother doesn't die....what is it you relate to????????

But Seriously Your Opinion Is Wrong


I didn't imply that the movies mother character dies xD
I meant that the "mother <-> son" relationship in the movie made me think of her again in a good way, so the movie definetely hit the right button for me.

As I said it's not for all audiences...but it doesn't suck.


Hi, I'm so sorry about your mom and I can relate. Right after my dad died in 2006 I saw the old movie "I Ought to Be in Pictures" starring Walter Matthau and Dinah Manoff as father and daughter. It really made me sentimental for my dad, especially since he was a Matthau fan--and would you believe it, Matthau's first name in the movie was the same as my dad's.

Feminism is the "radical belief" that women are people, and should be paid and treated equally.


Totally agree. I'm mid 40's, but I'd have loved it at your age too. My husband only laughed at certain parts He didn't get the normalcy of it all. Families get yell, converse, etc. Those that don't not only avoid the bad in life, but the good that comes of closeness.
I'm sorry you lost your mom so early. Sounds like you had a good relationship early on and that's a blessing a lot don't have.


I agree with you. I thought the movie was just great. Maybe its target audience is people who know that the plural of lady is ladies.


I looked at your movie ratings and you pretty much have no idea what you're talking about. And Louis C.K. is my generation, not yours.




Did you miss the ending where "we" found out that this man she was "so obsessed" about also named his daughter after her [Joyce/Streisand]?

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


You couldn't be more wrong. I'm 25 and I watched watched this movie and really liked it so I recommended it to my own mom who is 62 and she thought it was horrible.

Everybody: don't take the word of someone who thinks that assumes an entire age group would feel the exact same way about one movie.


Any movie made in 2012 where a major comedy point is a supposedly with-it character mistaking a "tapas bar" for a "topless bar" (and when was last time that phrase appeared on a sign?) is comically bankrupt.

Terrible movie. No wonder Rogen is embarrassed. With streaked hair and perfect nails, Streisand looks like slightly shopworn suburban version of "huh?" glamour roles in Nuts and Prince Of Tides. . .but played it like stereotypical Jewish mother a la Molly Goldberg/Molly Picon. A hot-flash mess.

Not funny, girl.


I agree with you that poster was terrible. It was decent movie, but too American, there wasn't much to hold onto for me so after seeing it I just wanted to stop thinking about its issues any deeper.


i disagree with you so much... this movie reminded me of the love i have for my parents...... it was honest and i cannot recomend it hghly enough as it spoke to me and my mum.......i will not go into the whys because it would take too long but it really hit the truth


I share the OP's sentiments, but for different reasons. My main quarrel is that Streisand doesn't have any realistic notion of self image. Her self image is the outlandish belief that she is an attractive and desirable woman. Any male, or even female, can see that this woman isn't remotely attractive even by senior citizen standards.


I am 38 and I would still bang her.
Funny, I think most of these people who are saying
that she is and old bag are either gay or women,
which have no business worrying about if
a 71 yr old woman is still hot or not.
