MovieChat Forums > Vera (2011) Discussion > Billy SPOILER s4 e1

Billy SPOILER s4 e1

So no explanation of where Billy, the sexually incontinent, wise cracking pathologist went?

Only his dishy successor removing his secret magazine collection? At least they could have said "he's enjoying his retirement in Ibiza."

Was watching episode 4 from last season, during a scene with Billy, and was thinking what a great cast "Vera" has, because some of them are quirky and interesting and bring a lot even in their small scenes.

Billy was one of them.

It's a loss to the ambience of Vera's off beat world.

Sorry to see him go.



Gosh, glad I'm not the only one, then.

You hit the nail on the head about the a character like Billy going missing. It's all the little quirky things that add up to the whole with this show that make it so great.

Like that damned rain hat she wears. ha

Blethyn said she lost the original one somewhere. Got another one. Then bought a few off the internet so she'd wouldn't NOT have it again. Loved that.



I wonder why Billy has gone ! was it the actors choice or producers? it stood out that he was gone straight away!



The character made such an impression on me that i'd not even noticed he was missing!!
Hey- ho!


I totally agree. Billy was a great character and i was sorry to see he wasn't in the new series. The new guy is quite dull.


Yes, I completely agree, but wasn't he showing signs of the onset of a nervous breakdown towards the end of the last series. He was definitely acting more erratically than usual. I hope they explain his departure or at least comment on it with a bit more detail. I don't mind the new guy but I do miss Billy!!


I strongly suspect the requirements for a racially diverse cast--paramount to all productions these days--was the driving force.

It's been awhile since Wunmi Mosaku departed Vera's team. Billy was a white male, they could explain away on retirement.

Look who replaced him and you probably have your answer. Just the way of the world now. Certain requirements have to be met.


Seems people just move on to try other things and different people replace them. Nothing to do with race or quota like the last person implied. Good show.
