Romantic Comedy?

There is nothing romantic about one night stands or philandering, disloyal pigs.

There was also not a single joke made in this movie. In fact, nothing I personally found remotely comedic except the single cheesy scene at the ex boyfriend's home.

And to wrap it up, there is nothing romantic about leaving one person to be with the person you cheated on them with. Alternately, there is little romance to be found in the stupidity that comes with allowing someone to leave their girlfriend for you, as their mistress, so to speak.

My opinion is my opinion, but I'd love to hear a single good reason to call this a romantic comedy. If I had any money, I'd even put up a $50 reward for one.


I don't know about romantic, but the reason why I came to this board was because the premise of this movie is freaking hilarious. I've only seen the trailer, but a guy trying to get a crazy girl to take a plan b pill is just funny as hell.


There is nothing romantic about one night stands

maybe not but many so-called romantic comedies revolve around them


There will be a time in your life when what you just said will seem idiotic to you.



you must be misunderstanding me because all I did was state a fact.


Are you sure you replied to the right comment?


Id classify it as a romantic comedy because of the relationship fsctor & the light hearted theme.

It just wasnt a very funny one. Its a independent film. so dont expect the writer to know how to write or sell jokes


as someone who actually watched the film (unlike some of the replies you got,) I totally agree. The was NOT a comedy. I would hesitate to call it a romance. Definitely in the drama department.
