Change up the formula

I enjoy this show and its characters, but it has been very rigidly formulaic. Pete does something bad, initially all goes well, he hits it off with an attractive female, and then the female finds out about the bad things and dumps him embarrassingly. After only nine episodes it's completely predictable. So I'd like to propose several possible twists:

1) Pete meets a girl who is just as questionably moral as he is. Things are going great because every time she catches him at it she is approving. At the end, it is revealed that the girl has done various petty evil things / one seriously wrong thing / cheated on him, and Pete dumps her, disgusted.

2) As above, Pete meets a pretty girl who seems unusually understanding, sees through him, and tells him he doesn't need to lie to her about his foibles. However, Pete isn't even slightly attracted to her. He realizes he actually enjoys the lying game more than the women themselves.

3) Pete tries to go a week without doing anything dodgy. He meets an attractive girl. She dumps him for being too nice.


Formulaic yes and too derivative. It's Larry David crossed with Peep Show.
