MovieChat Forums > Reviving Ophelia (2010) Discussion > That's what happens when you talk back.

That's what happens when you talk back.

Finally a movie about a return to traditional values. Hitting others is usually wrong, but it's nice to know there are some who realise "It was my fault".



umm, on the off chance that you actually watched this movie, hopefully your opinion changed? Hitting is absolutely NEVER okay. i don't care if you realize it's your fault or not..
that post might have been to get a rise out of someone, and congrats you did it.


are you serious right now? it "usually wrong" to hit someone!! you must have no soul if you think domestic violence is ever ok.


I don't know. It IS "usually wrong." Unless someone else hits first. Be prepared to get as good as you give. says someone who grew up with the edict, "Never hit a woman." says a woman. If I hauled off and whacked my husband, I wouldn't be surprised if he whacked me back, and I'd be hard pressed to blame him and play the "abused woman" card.


I definitely agree with that, jadetastic. I wouldn't hit my boyfriend and not expect to get hit/shoved back. I'm not going to start being physical and then act all innocent when he does hit me back.


What's next, Dave? Clubbing a woman over the head and dragging her back to the cave by her hair? Neanderthals like you are the reason for battered women's shelters. Wake up! This is the 21st century, where women are people, not possessions!


I hear what you are saying, Dave, but it's actually very common. That's how abused women stay with their abusers - it's kind of like an addiction and they rationalize it with "it was my fault that he hit me."

Hard to understand...

You know what they say... no one with missing teeth wears an Armani suit.



"You Dun Goofed"-Jesse Slaughter's Dad

