I just saw this, and while i think it is pretty accurate as far as teenage girls can be concerned, that they are all about wanting to be in love and wanting a boyfriend and all that, and not seeing things clearly, Elizabeth drove me nuts, and so did her parents. Why didn't they nail her window shut after the first time they knew that Mark snuck in, or even say anything about it? Why did they continue to trust her even after they knew she was sneaking Mark into her room? She did nothing but lie to them, yet they believed everything she said, even after they knew she was lying, didn't secure her room, didn't take away her phone, didn't really do anything, except "there there" and hug her, until the end. I realize that if they came down too hard, as the sister said, it would push Elizabeth right into Mark's corner, but they didn't do much of anything, as far as I could see.

Kelli sure was in a hard place, caring about Elizabeth, and wanting to look out for her but not wanting to be a rat, and not being believed if she did tell.

I don't know why Elizabeth's parents didn't have mark arrested for assault after the first time, let alone the second. I also couldn't believe that Elizabeth was asking for help to crack an EGG!

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!


I thought the parents were ridiculous too, especially after they learned their daughter was a liar. The father did a lot of yelling out a window, but that seemed to be about it.
He did talk about a restraining order, but that was almost at the end of the film.
I couldn't believe that they BELIEVED Mark and Elizabeth when they said they were in a CAR accident!
They never saw or asked to see a police report, or even a policeman! Or the car!!! How does one whack only their cheek in a car accident anyway?

And I agree with you on that whole 'egg' thing. The girl can't crack an egg? But I guess a girl who'd say "When you love someone, it doesn't matter what they do." might need help with an egg haha!

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Totally, especially about the non existing car accident. As you said, they didn't look at a police report or talk to the policeman. What parents don't want to know what happened, who was at fault, about the other driver? There can be legal or criminal proceedings afterward, that Elizabeth could be a witness or victim in..yet the parents just say, "car accident? No problem!" it was really lame about Elizabeth's only injury being her cheek too.It seems like a punch to the face would look different than hitting your face on a smooth object.

The other thing I really objected to is that no one corrected Kelli when she said that"oral sex is not sex." I think alot of kids might think that but they should have said in this film that it's untrue. I wanted Kelli's mother also to talk to her about respecting herself and valuing her own body and not allowing random boys to use it for their pleasure. I think since they had Kelli doing that sort of thing that they should have responsibly addressed it.

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!


The other thing I really objected to is that no one corrected Kelli when she said that"oral sex is not sex." I think alot of kids might think that but they should have said in this film that it's untrue. I wanted Kelli's mother also to talk to her about respecting herself and valuing her own body and not allowing random boys to use it for their pleasure. I think since they had Kelli doing that sort of thing that they should have responsibly addressed it.

I watched this film again tonight, and I agree 100%! How could that mother have just let her daughter say oral is not sex? The mother just smiles, and says nothing?
And you're right, I was expecting at least some kind of speech about respecting yourself or at least waiting until you truly felt in love. But nothing!
Just crap about how Elizabeth is so perfect, and yet she never seemed perfect to me. She was a brat, a phony, and a doofus to boot! What kind of so-called genius says "When you love someone, it doesn't matter what they do."

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."
